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Thread: Help for a Happy New Year

  1. #1
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    Help for a Happy New Year

    Hi everyone Merry Christmas and advanced Happy New year. Guys if you know any of my questions then i would be really grateful for your help.

    01. We are planning to processes our fiancee visa but my yearly income salary is £18.100 which is not quite the threshold our government requires, but if i had adequate savings would it be ok for them and if so how much do you think the government requires. Or do they just want a job that earns over £18.600 and p60 that tells them how much you earn a year and bank statement of what you spend in a year.

    02. My Fiancee has some savings in her account, but how much is required in Pesos what is the adequate amount the Embassy will be expecting.

    03. I want to register my baby's British passport, an when i called in October i was informed registration had now been transferred to Hong Kong, but my fiancee said they have hired a new ambassador in Manila so we can register there now. Does anyone know if this is true and if so can you please give me the number for the UK Embassy in Manila and the direct email.

    04. When i process the documents will they accept scanned copies, or do they need everything original, and if they need original paperwork what would be the safest way to send if i'm not in the phils.

    If any of you can help even a little it would help a lot. Even this is so worth everything it is not easy to be with your family but with your help we are hoping to be together by September. Thank you all so much in advance.

  2. #2
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    hi Sean--welcome to the site.

    i wont try to answer all your questions--but as regards your salary/savings--here goes.

    you have a salary shortfall of £500--( £18600-18100 )

    so --you need 2 & 1/2 half times £500---= £1500, PLUS £16,000--which is then disregarded. so--altogether £17,500 in readilly accessible legally acquired savings--with statements for the last 6 months to prove this. also--loans from others ( friends/family DONT count )

    i hope this isnt bad news--others will no doubt reply as regards salary conditions.

    but its best to be FULLY prepared before shelling out £ lots in application fees if your not 100% sure of the facts.

  3. #3
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    i dont know if this is the best place for this thread---maybe a mod will move it somewhere more relevant

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    i dont know if this is the best place for this thread---maybe a mod will move it somewhere more relevant

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sean88 View Post
    ....My Fiancee has some savings in her account, but how much is required in Pesos what is the adequate amount the Embassy will be expecting....
    Just as Bigmac said, savings may be used to meet any shortfall in income.
    Only savings above £16000 will be counted and will be subject to the calculation Bigmac indicated.
    The savings can be held in the name of you, your partner or jointly.
    So your partners savings can be added to yours.

    Savings in Philippine Peso would be converted to pounds by UKBA using the closing spot exchange rate which appears on on the date of application.
    In your case the Peso amount will be converted into pounds before being added to your own savings in pounds to arrive at a total amount in Pounds (£).

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sean88 View Post
    ....When i process the documents will they accept scanned copies, or do they need everythin original, and if they need original paperwork what would be the safest way to send if im not in the phils.....
    Despite the increased use of online facilities and 'paperless' activity, UKBA still state that evidential documents should be original.

    I understand it's a pain, and I do know quite a few folks who have been given an unnecessarily tough time with their banks when securing statements.

    That said I also know quite a few folks who have submitted scanned documents which have not been questioned by UKBA.

    I am all for full compliance and minimising risks when it comes to UKBA so my personal advice is to always use originals.

    If it's just not possible then a clear and concise explanation needs to be given why it's not possible and why UKBA should accept what you've sent. But then you must also then accept the associated risk that they may not agree/accept.

    As an aside, I've never known a visa refusal on the basis of not providing original documentation........not that I'm trying to tip the scales but it's probably worth the small risks and costs associated with lesser cost base Visa applications rather than high cost life changing visa applications.

    Personally I feel some things are too important to take even the slightest risk. But as always it's a personal decision based on the facts as you see them

    Someone like DHL would likely charge round £35 for around a kg of documents.

    Do be aware that some docs like payslips, bank statements etc must be less than 28 days old at date of application.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sean88 View Post
    ....can you please give me the number for the UK Embassy in Manila and the direct email......
    Here's one of the links for The British Embassy Manila

    You'll find some very useful links that will help you.

    Here's a couple of contact details:-

    Trevor Lewis - Deputy Head of Mission
    British Embassy Manila
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    McKinley Hill
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila, Philippines

    Telephone: +63 2 858 2200
    Fax (Information): +63 2 858 2313
    Opening hours:
    Monday to Friday - 8:00am to 4:45pm

    Asif Ahmad - British Ambassador to the Philippines
    British Embassy Manila
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    McKinley Hill
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila, Philippines

    Telephone: +63 2 858 2200
    Fax (Information): +63 2 858 2313
    Opening hours:
    Monday to Friday - 8:00am to 4:45pm

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by sean88 View Post
    ....I want to register my baby's British passport, an when i called in October i was informed registration had now been transferred to Hong Kong, but my fiancee said they have hired an new ambassador in Manila so we can register there now. dose anyone know if this is true......
    As a first step take a look at this British Embassy document -
    Applying for a UK Passport Whilst in the Philippines
    It's an 'oldish' document but the documentary requirements will be a big help

    Then review these newer links:-

    Overseas British passport applications - Philippines

    Applying for a passport from outside the UK - guide to the online application service

    Applying for a passport from outside the UK - Supporting Documents

    Apply for a British Passport - Welcome to the online passport application service for British nationals

    This online system is still very new. I haven't personally gone through the online process so can provide any hints/tips etc but as far as I know the online application form can be saved and returned to for changes before final submission.

    Hope this helps

  9. #9
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    so --you need 2 & 1/2 half times £500---= £1500,

    red face time = me. should be £1250 lol.

    massive support and help there Terpe--as usual.

  10. #10
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    guys you help me massively thank you so much, but damn i didn't expect that amount they sure don't make it easy for us hard working Brits who just want to have a life with there love ones. Thanks again guys take care.

  11. #11
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    Good luck Sean - I can't advise (my Mrs had been in UK for a few years on a work visa when we met) but there's plenty of helpful characters and advice on here. Have a great 2014

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