Quote Originally Posted by LastViking View Post
Hi in the end we could not go because I had further health issues. We will have to try again later - although I did discover that, as a British citizen, I should be able to travel under European freedom of movement rules and my wife and her dependent are entitled to travel with me or to join me in another EU country. Therefore, technically no visa should be required.
So you would think ... !

Rightly (or wrongly - depending upon one's viewpoint!) the British Government (under John Major at the time) declined to sign the Treaty of Maastricht - accepting the Euro as the standard mode of currency and allowing to open up its Borders to other EU countries - hence the need for our non European partners having to apply for a separate visa, since the ROI is not part of the Schengen Agreement as Terpe has explained in #2.

's how I understand it, anyway.

But ... ... at least it's FREE of charge to the wives (and/or husbands) of British nationals - if a bit of a palaverto arrange!

Hopefully, your health has improved since your original inquiry.