....Not towards me but with other men to support her parents ambitious housing project (But I still feel for the scammed victims)

Ok, so here is background info. My wife recently got her spouse VISA to UK approved in August 2013 but bcoz at the time of the approval she is nearly 9 months pregnant and cannot travel immediately as no airline will take her at that late stage of pregnancy. So we had to wait until she gave birth in the Philippines. Even after giving birth I cannot go and get her and the baby immediately as she had CS section with wound still healing and will also require about 2 months off work for me to go there and arrange the baby passport. So bcoz of this I decided to delay bringing them to UK until May 2014 bcoz this period is when my work contract will expire and I'll be free to travel away however long I want.

Now my wife is not someone that likes material things, she is quite happy with cheap stuff and in a way have the mindset of a child even though she is 28yrs old. Even at that age of 28yrs she rely on her parents to do everything for her. No she is not disabled at all. She is very obedient to her parents and I think in a way her parents using this obedience to manipulate her. I once tried to give her some support money before we married and she told me she not need it that she will simply give it to her parents. Even if you will pass it to your parents at least keep 2k for yourself, I said. So you can see her mindset from the start. I just got back from phils 3 weeks ago and I decided to treat my wife to some clothes shopping, she simply said no need to shopping for her bcoz she already have many clothes. Again you can see this from her mindset. She is not looking for material gain for herself. So you can imagine my surprise when I discovered some information that implicate my wife in scamming activities against other men.

On Dec 18th 2013 Some random person(woman) using a fake facebook account sent me a msg on facebook begging me to add her as friends so they can tell me what my wife is doing while I'm away from phils. I didn't see this msg immediately as it went into facebook private msg spam folder.

But few days ago my wife said she wanted to tell me something in case some foreign guy sent me pics of him posing with her parents. this pics was taken when we briefly broke up in 2010 and she invited this guy to visit her she said. So I said ok no problem if in fact it is true that the event occurred back in 2010 and not after we are already married. I asked where the guy from, she replied Australia.

My wife then said the Australian guy recently threatened to kidnap her and our child if my wife will not go back to him.

so now I tried to find more info about this Australian guy, So my wife sent me a screenshot of the Australian guy posing with another woman in facebook. From the name my wife gave of the Austraian guy I can't find him in facebook search so I tried to contact the woman he was posing with in the pic but so far no luck.

Now I received a msg from the fake facebook user earlier telling me that my wife is a bad person and everything he did to kevin(The austraian guy) and other men is wrong. She said kevin(australian guy) told her everything and kevin is taking my wife to court in February 2014.

Now, why would kevin(australian guy) take my wife to court unless he felt cheated or lost money in the process of whatever brief encounter he had with my wife?

Even my wife confirmed that the Australian guy threaten to block her passport so she will not be able to leave the country.

So now you can see the complicated situation I find myself. The kevin guy after realizing he was pouring money down the drain and going no where with it finally snapped and decided enough is enough and is now taking my wife to court possibly to recover all the money scammed from him by my wife.

I must also let you know that my wife parents are building their own brand new house and I have only deliberately helped them with very tiny fractions of what it will cost toward the completion of the house. So now i'm thinking maybe her parent have engaged my wife in scamming activities towards other men to make up the rest of the cost of their new house and that is where this kevin(Australian guy) and possibly other men come into the picture.

For instance I know for a fact that, few weeks ago when I visited my wife's parent new house, completion level is advance and her dad showed me drilling on a deep well which cost 80k in the front yard. I remembered saying to myself back then "how the hell did he managed to afford 80k for this deep well?" So it is likely it was kevin(the Australian guy) and possibly other men(scam victims) are the one financing my wife's parents housing project.

Now with this new revelations from the anonymous facebook tipster everything is now becoming clear.

Bearing in mind that 99.9% of scamming victims will just shrug their shoulder and move on once they realized they have been scammed. But I think with this kevin guy my wife came across the 0.1% that will seek justice and will not take it lying down. Hence why he is taking my wife to court in February and seeking judge injunction to block my wife passport until case is heard so my wife cannot travel abroad.

Also 2 days ago On computer screenshot pic of the Australian guy my wife sent me I saw on the browser tab that she opened page to a dating site on her laptop. (she probably forgot to close that dating page before sending me the screenshot). I then searched for her profile on that dating site with her age range and broad location search but did not see her profile so it's like she is not using her real pics on that dating site. This is another evidence to prove that she is still actively engaged in scamming. Her parent's house is not yet completed and some poor old scamming victim is the one going to foot the bill so she thinking.

I'm 100% confident that my wife's parent are the ones manipulating her to scam other men to give them the money to finance their ambitious housing project. Now it's all blowing up in their faces and unfortunately I'm caught in the middle.

I'm still trying to find out the fact if this kevin Australian guy came into the picture in 2010 before I married my wife or after we married. it seems odd the kevin guy is taking court action in Feb 2014 if while the events occurred back in 2010.

What do you guy advise? shall I go and get my wife now and leave the baby with her parents for later before this Australian guy seek judge injunction to block her passport? Bearing in mind our daughter is only 3 months old however for obvious reason my wife cannot breast feed her anyway so that's not an issue.