Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
I may be wrong here, and apologies in advance if I am, but I think by the lack of grammar compared to other posts of yours then this is not blackcat22, but rather someone else who has access to his account. We are the ones who are potentially going to try and be scammed.
Anyone else want to look and other well constructed posts by blackcat22 and compare them to this one
As I said initially, I may be wrong and it wouldn't be the first time
Hi Simon..That was well spotted...that's worth a rep

I feel for you Blackcat...this happened with my first filipina wife from Davao..they forced her here thus taking my business which, to this day, is making a tidy sum of money.

I can't see how the Oz is going to get his money back

I couldnt say cut them lose becoz your baby is involved..otherwise I'd say dump them now

Either way Blackcat, your lady hasnt been truthful with you..so so sorry mate, I know the pain you are going through right now