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Thread: "I don't come to rob your country. I come to work and then go home,"

  1. #31
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I fully agree with Tiger the sooner we leave this shower and re-establish our own laws, conditions and way of life the better.
    I suggest you vote UKIP and make them win next election or establish some kind of fascism Or best establish the medieval ways of laws.

    Isn't that what really happened during ww1 and ww2? Looking for someone of something to blame?

    Suppose the advancement of countries' social and political treaties doesn't make any good to the locals, might as well throw it all out and forget about humanity, might as well establish a new cult/religion/sort of god that will suit to the people who dislikes immigrants, and forbid its local to marry any immigrants, specially if its not from their very own village or island.

    Anyhow, this is for argumentative purpose for me that needed to be said as I like this forum because I believe that people here have open minds.
    Life as we make it

  2. #32
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I totally disagree Gwap we are a sovereign independent Western European nation who joined the European Economic Community in 1973. It was an economic and trading pact formed of Western European nations. Some 20 years later it spawned into the European Community and then the European Union which dramatically expanded in the 21st century when former communist Eastern European and Baltic states joined. Without the agreement of UK nationals it has become an economic and political union imposing its rules, laws and treaties on member states. It is these treaties that allow citizens of poor, feral and economic basket case countries to reside and work in Britain. It is this flood of economic migrants that has brought massive pressures on our health, welfare, education, housing, law & order systems and structures. The same migrants have drastically affected our employment market bringing wages and salaries down along with creating massive unemployment particularly amongst the younger indigenous population.

    I fully agree with Tiger the sooner we leave this shower and re-establish our own laws, conditions and way of life the better.
    Alas I am unable to give you rep for that post but I'll owe you one because that's my post of the week.
    This country has always welcomed migrants. You just have to take a look around our capital city or any other major city to see what a cosmopolitan country we have. We have a history of recruiting people abroad when we couldn't fill vacancies here.
    But what we have now is an enforced migration to our country which the people have had no say in. There are millions of people unemployed here at the moment so there is no benefit for us to allow more people to come here with no real chance of employment.
    If you come here from the Philippines as many of our wives did you are unable access public funds for the first 2 years of your visa, unlike the eastern europeans who have almost immediate access to benefits.
    The European Union has changed beyond all recognition to what we joined up to in '73. Most all other Member Countries have had at least one ballot if not more as it has changed over the years except us. I don't think it's racist or to much to ask to have some sort of control over our own borders particularly in times like now.

  3. #33
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    I think reading too much dailymail and sun made some people here rant against immigrants that make some people here feel bitter and judgmental against the immigrants. If we are going to dislike them, at least we can be consistent and not be hypocritical about it, specially being married to one.
    Iam not anti imigrant as I have 4 of them in my house in england I saying we cannot keep this open door policy where just because one country is doing well and others are not that we allow everyone to pack their bags from europe and come to the u.k .and as for your country which is pretty anti imigrant too ,at least we allow philippinos to own land and prosper unlike your goverment .also jobs you can do any job you like in u.k unlike foreigners in the philippines we can,t even work in jolibees .

  4. #34
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    I suggest you vote UKIP and make them win next election or establish some kind of fascism Or best establish the medieval ways of laws.

    Isn't that what really happened during ww1 and ww2? Looking for someone of something to blame?

    Suppose the advancement of countries' social and political treaties doesn't make any good to the locals, might as well throw it all out and forget about humanity, might as well establish a new cult/religion/sort of god that will suit to the people who dislikes immigrants, and forbid its local to marry any immigrants, specially if its not from their very own village or island.

    Anyhow, this is for argumentative purpose for me that needed to be said as I like this forum because I believe that people here have open minds.
    purple how do you feel about the islamists waving their AK 47,s in southern philippines wanting independance eh do you agree with them do you want more islamics pouring into your country from malaysia and indoneasia etc setting up their own laws er I think the answer will be no ,so your views on immigration do not add up .your country is not democratic ,its run by a bunch of rich philippino families who buy the votes of the people ,which I witnessed here with my own eyes during the elections giving money to locals to vote for them .I am british and proud .and proud of the facts that we have equal rights to all immigrants unlike the countries that they are coming from .rant over

  5. #35
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    Iam not anti imigrant as I have 4 of them in my house in england I saying we cannot keep this open door policy where just because one country is doing well and others are not that we allow everyone to pack their bags from europe and come to the u.k .and as for your country which is pretty anti imigrant too ,at least we allow philippinos to own land and prosper unlike your goverment .also jobs you can do any job you like in u.k unlike foreigners in the philippines we can,t even work in jolibees .
    Tiger.. You make a good point there.
    Immigrants to the Philippines have very few rights,even those whom are married to Filipino`s.
    As you say,they cannot own land or or own a business that is not predominantly Filipino owned..The 60/40 rule.. These laws are designed here to protect the R.P against the foreign monopolies invasion!! Families like Ayala`s and Cojuangco`s dont need the competition!!Obviously there are no benefits that we can claim here etc
    Its up to Foreign Gov. diplomats to report these disparities so that the foreign governments can provide parity in their respective countries in favour of their own citizens abroad.
    Does this ever happen?? Not on your nelly mate!! The British embassy for example is a revenue producer only and is a practically useless resource for the average Brit abroad.
    They don`t even issue British passports here anymore!!
    When a Brit travels or lives abroad..They are on their own!
    Is the R.P anti immigrant? I`m not sure about that.
    As long as we pay the visa fee`s and help the economy by spending our Pounds and $$`s without ever owning anything we will always be tolerated I guess.
    Upset the wrong guy though and it deportation.. And you have to deport yourself..with your own funds..(after paying any overstaying fees)

  6. #36
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Tiger.. You make a good point there.
    Immigrants to the Philippines have very few rights,even those whom are married to Filipino`s.
    As you say,they cannot own land or or own a business that is not predominantly Filipino owned..The 60/40 rule.. These laws are designed here to protect the R.P against the foreign monopolies invasion!! Families like Ayala`s and Cojuangco`s dont need the competition!!Obviously there are no benefits that we can claim here etc
    Its up to Foreign Gov. diplomats to report these disparities so that the foreign governments can provide parity in their respective countries in favour of their own citizens abroad.
    Does this ever happen?? Not on your nelly mate!! The British embassy for example is a revenue producer only and is a practically useless resource for the average Brit abroad.
    They don`t even issue British passports here anymore!!
    When a Brit travels or lives abroad..They are on their own!
    Is the R.P anti immigrant? I`m not sure about that.
    As long as we pay the visa fee`s and help the economy by spending our Pounds and $$`s without ever owning anything we will always be tolerated I guess.
    Upset the wrong guy though and it deportation.. And you have to deport yourself..with your own funds..(after paying any overstaying fees)
    point made

  7. #37
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Personally I would choose a decent foreigner over a scummy Brit to live next to, although I don't believe in mass immigration.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    purple how do you feel about the islamists waving their AK 47,s in southern philippines wanting independance eh do you agree with them do you want more islamics pouring into your country from malaysia and indoneasia etc setting up their own laws er I think the answer will be no ,so your views on immigration do not add up .your country is not democratic ,its run by a bunch of rich philippino families who buy the votes of the people ,which I witnessed here with my own eyes during the elections giving money to locals to vote for them .I am british and proud .and proud of the facts that we have equal rights to all immigrants unlike the countries that they are coming from .rant over

    Purple favouring uncontrolled immigration and not being a fascist hypocrite would, I'm sure, agree with hordes of Muslims pouring into the Philippines as long as they came to live in peace and wanted to have a better life.

  9. #39
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    Personally I would choose a decent foreigner over a scummy Brit to live next to, although I don't believe in mass immigration.
    I'll second that Jamie!

  10. #40
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    I've got a Bangladesh family living opposite me. of 4. .The guy seemingly works 6 days a week, every week. .His wife wears a shop uniform when collecting her children from the school. .He washes his car every Sunday at a time I leave for work. They are polite we always say hello with a wave as I pass. ..His wife and children likewise.
    Even his visiting relations are just the same. Fine upstanding people. .I guess this is how the majority conduct themselves.
    Like Jamie and Michael, I'd sooner have these lovely people as neighbors as opposed to the archetypical shameless variety.

  11. #41
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I've got a Bangladesh family living opposite me. of 4. .The guy seemingly works 6 days a week, every week. .His wife wears a shop uniform when collecting her children from the school. .He washes his car every Sunday at a time I leave for work. They are polite we always say hello with a wave as I pass. ..His wife and children likewise.
    Even his visiting relations are just the same. Fine upstanding people. .I guess this is how the majority conduct themselves.
    Like Jamie and Michael, I'd sooner have these lovely people as neighbors as opposed to the archetypical shameless variety.
    exactly like the romas who will just dump their garbage onto their front garden like they do back home .I would like the immigration for all brigade to have a roma family move in on either side of them and see how long it takes for them to go running to their M.P to complain about it.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    exactly like the romas who will just dump their garbage onto there front garden like they do back home .I would like the immigration for all brigrade to have a roma family move in on either side of them and see how long it takes for them to go running to their M.P to complain about it .
    We've got our share of the minority lazy lardy Brits being the proud owners of rusting old cars propped up on bricks with unkempt gardens etc. .

  13. #43
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    being the proud owners of rusting old cars propped up on bricks
    Leave Graham out of this please

  14. #44
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    Leave Graham out of this please
    Hahahaha..this made me laugh!

    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    Leave Graham out of this please

    No dig intended

  16. #46
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    Iam not anti imigrant as I have 4 of them in my house in england I saying we cannot keep this open door policy where just because one country is doing well and others are not that we allow everyone to pack their bags from europe and come to the u.k .and as for your country which is pretty anti imigrant too ,at least we allow philippinos to own land and prosper unlike your goverment .also jobs you can do any job you like in u.k unlike foreigners in the philippines we can,t even work in jolibees .
    I totally agree with you tiger.. its what I and bunch of friends I have back home wants and need to do..trying to get this racism out of Fiipinos mind. Though I agree what the crooked senators are trying to do in PI.. they don't want the great capitalist to overshadow them you see. If it does, it will be exploited as they are afraid of the "western ideas" to stain the so called "innocent" minds of the locals... not!
    Anyway, its a whole bunch of hypocrisy etc... what I call as 21st century Phils.. with medieval beliefs and laws.
    But as I mentioned in my other post. There is good and bad.. I bet those poor scums and thiefs need proper education, information, rehabilitation perhaps, specially the children... because as you can see.. they are very good at procreation and teaching their children to be criminals.. that will surely overshadow the good and sensible population. Imagine that?
    Perhaps I'm dreaming too much of a better world...oh well, I better keep on dreaming then
    Life as we make it

  17. #47
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Purple favouring uncontrolled immigration and not being a fascist hypocrite would, I'm sure, agree with hordes of Muslims pouring into the Philippines as long as they came to live in peace and wanted to have a better life.
    These islams by the way were not supposed to be part of the Philippines you see? They were tricked.. the colonizers sold the Phils to US and included the Mindanao when they were not being colonized. They are supposed to be part in Borneo and that neighboring area.. actually, I have a classmate once in uni.. she is actually very nice. Even let me read the qur'an. Her family supports the MILF and her older brother is one of the jihadis and told me how some of these Al-quida actually works.

    Why not, if that will make them live there peacefully. I have seen quite a number of muslims in the Baguio city.. selling fake silvers, can't speak a word of Tagalog. Aren't they suppose to be contributing to the economy.. you know the living bit.

    Anyway, with the present situation there.. the Christians and most muslim tribes (I know this because of friends who have significant position there in Islam community) who are now living peacefully doesn't want to be independent because they obviously know what will happen to them.. Like of those extremist in Indonesia.

    Another sad news was, there about 25 people killed just 100 meters away where they lived, massacred by musuari's mates and it didn't came out in the media. What they reckon is that these "meanies" should be educated to the latest social and political hype for them to stop killing one another. Same goes for the "scums and theives".. they need education.

    Can you just imagine when they outgrow the sensible population?
    Life as we make it

  18. #48
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    Well I never Your husband's a lucky man. ..I bet he knows it too
    Thank for the entertainment

  19. #49
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    I totally agree with you tiger.. its what I and bunch of friends I have back home wants and need to do..trying to get this racism out of Fiipinos mind. Though I agree what the crooked senators are trying to do in PI.. they don't want the great capitalist to overshadow them you see. If it does, it will be exploited as they are afraid of the "western ideas" to stain the so called "innocent" minds of the locals... not!
    Anyway, its a whole bunch of hypocrisy etc... what I call as 21st century Phils.. with medieval beliefs and laws.
    But as I mentioned in my other post. There is good and bad.. I bet those poor scums and thiefs need proper education, information, rehabilitation perhaps, specially the children... because as you can see.. they are very good at procreation and teaching their children to be criminals.. that will surely overshadow the good and sensible population. Imagine that?
    Perhaps I'm dreaming too much of a better world...oh well, I better keep on dreaming then
    and i,ll keep applying for a job at jolibees ya never know

  20. #50
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    Washing cars in Biggleswade, the Romanian welcomed to UK on New Year's Day by Keith Vaz... meanwhile, his fiancée is left chopping wood in Transylvania

    Read more:

    The mealy mouthed politicians are always telling us about the economic & fiscal contributions Eastern Europeans make to the UK. I wonder how we've done without this guys skills up till now

  21. #51
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    I totally agree with you tiger.. its what I and bunch of friends I have back home wants and need to do..trying to get this racism out of Fiipinos mind. Though I agree what the crooked senators are trying to do in PI.. they don't want the great capitalist to overshadow them you see. If it does, it will be exploited as they are afraid of the "western ideas" to stain the so called "innocent" minds of the locals... not!
    Anyway, its a whole bunch of hypocrisy etc... what I call as 21st century Phils.. with medieval beliefs and laws.
    But as I mentioned in my other post. There is good and bad.. I bet those poor scums and thiefs need proper education, information, rehabilitation perhaps, specially the children... because as you can see.. they are very good at procreation and teaching their children to be criminals.. that will surely overshadow the good and sensible population. Imagine that?
    Perhaps I'm dreaming too much of a better world...oh well, I better keep on dreaming then
    can you imagine what would happen if all the countries around the world banded together and stopped philippinos from working in their countries mmmm total collapse of the entire country thats what would happen .so its only fair that the philippine goverment allow foreigners to work here too.

  22. #52
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    Not to mention buying land and property there in your own name. Yet their own county folk can buy wholesale in the west...I must say, you gotta have a lot of faith in your wives and partners sinking your hard earned into Philippine real estate...if the relationship goes pearshaped, you lose everything.

  23. #53
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    I'd rather see unemployed/unskilled Brits washing cars rather than these EE grubs - at least that would occupy their time and give them some money. Don't tell me they don't want to do the work because the dodgy owners of these cash in hand car wash operations only employ illegals and EE's

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    These islams by the way were not supposed to be part of the Philippines you see? They were tricked.. the colonizers sold the Phils to US and included the Mindanao when they were not being colonized. They are supposed to be part in Borneo and that neighboring area.. actually, I have a classmate once in uni.. she is actually very nice. Even let me read the qur'an. Her family supports the MILF and her older brother is one of the jihadis and told me how some of these Al-quida actually works.

    Why not, if that will make them live there peacefully. I have seen quite a number of muslims in the Baguio city.. selling fake silvers, can't speak a word of Tagalog. Aren't they suppose to be contributing to the economy.. you know the living bit.

    Anyway, with the present situation there.. the Christians and most muslim tribes (I know this because of friends who have significant position there in Islam community) who are now living peacefully doesn't want to be independent because they obviously know what will happen to them.. Like of those extremist in Indonesia.

    Another sad news was, there about 25 people killed just 100 meters away where they lived, massacred by musuari's mates and it didn't came out in the media. What they reckon is that these "meanies" should be educated to the latest social and political hype for them to stop killing one another. Same goes for the "scums and theives".. they need education.

    Can you just imagine when they outgrow the sensible population?
    Purple ........Did you realise I wasn't referring to home grown Filipino muslims but a scenario of a tsunami of them pouring into your country from places such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia looking to live in peace and have a better life ?

  25. #55
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    can you imagine what would happen if all the countries around the world banded together and stopped philippinos from working in their countries mmmm total collapse of the entire country thats what would happen .so its only fair that the philippine goverment allow foreigners to work here too.
    The Philippine government do allow foreigners to work here. if you spent some time in Alabang and the surrounding areas you would realize just how many. The process to get a working visa is very similar to any western country. There are also many working on short term contracts who are only on tourist visa's!

  26. #56
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I'd rather see unemployed/unskilled Brits washing cars rather than these EE grubs - at least that would occupy their time and give them some money. Don't tell me they don't want to do the work because the dodgy owners of these cash in hand car wash operations only employ illegals and EE's
    I'm sure if they were only employing illegals then it'd make life at the UKBA a lot easier. All the one's where I live and where I work always seem very busy, it's a wonder why some unemployed/unskilled Brits haven't set up in competition Maybe because they can't be ed

  27. #57
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    The Philippine government do allow foreigners to work here. if you spent some time in Alabang and the surrounding areas you would realize just how many. The process to get a working visa is very similar to any western country. There are also many working on short term contracts who are only on tourist visa's!
    Also in Makati!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  28. #58
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    The Philippine government do allow foreigners to work here. if you spent some time in Alabang and the surrounding areas you would realize just how many. The process to get a working visa is very similar to any western country. There are also many working on short term contracts who are only on tourist visa's!
    only a few types of skilled workers are allowed to work I would call it cherry picking myself .If nurse or caregiver loses their job at least they can go and find any job they like .

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    All the one's where I live and where I work always seem very busy, it's a wonder why some unemployed/unskilled Brits haven't set up in competition Maybe because they can't be ed

  30. #60
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    More from the car wash here

    Perhaps the Romanians are taking the places of the illegal Albanian car washers who've now been shipped out

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