Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
I totally disagree Gwap we are a sovereign independent Western European nation who joined the European Economic Community in 1973. It was an economic and trading pact formed of Western European nations. Some 20 years later it spawned into the European Community and then the European Union which dramatically expanded in the 21st century when former communist Eastern European and Baltic states joined. Without the agreement of UK nationals it has become an economic and political union imposing its rules, laws and treaties on member states. It is these treaties that allow citizens of poor, feral and economic basket case countries to reside and work in Britain. It is this flood of economic migrants that has brought massive pressures on our health, welfare, education, housing, law & order systems and structures. The same migrants have drastically affected our employment market bringing wages and salaries down along with creating massive unemployment particularly amongst the younger indigenous population.

I fully agree with Tiger the sooner we leave this shower and re-establish our own laws, conditions and way of life the better.
Alas I am unable to give you rep for that post but I'll owe you one because that's my post of the week.
This country has always welcomed migrants. You just have to take a look around our capital city or any other major city to see what a cosmopolitan country we have. We have a history of recruiting people abroad when we couldn't fill vacancies here.
But what we have now is an enforced migration to our country which the people have had no say in. There are millions of people unemployed here at the moment so there is no benefit for us to allow more people to come here with no real chance of employment.
If you come here from the Philippines as many of our wives did you are unable access public funds for the first 2 years of your visa, unlike the eastern europeans who have almost immediate access to benefits.
The European Union has changed beyond all recognition to what we joined up to in '73. Most all other Member Countries have had at least one ballot if not more as it has changed over the years except us. I don't think it's racist or to much to ask to have some sort of control over our own borders particularly in times like now.