Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
I suggest you vote UKIP and make them win next election or establish some kind of fascism thingy...lol Or best establish the medieval ways of laws.

Isn't that what really happened during ww1 and ww2? Looking for someone of something to blame?

Suppose the advancement of countries' social and political treaties doesn't make any good to the locals, might as well throw it all out and forget about humanity, might as well establish a new cult/religion/sort of god that will suit to the people who dislikes immigrants, and forbid its local to marry any immigrants, specially if its not from their very own village or island.

Anyhow, this is for argumentative purpose for me that needed to be said as I like this forum because I believe that people here have open minds.
purple how do you feel about the islamists waving their AK 47,s in southern philippines wanting independance eh do you agree with them do you want more islamics pouring into your country from malaysia and indoneasia etc setting up their own laws er I think the answer will be no ,so your views on immigration do not add up .your country is not democratic ,its run by a bunch of rich philippino families who buy the votes of the people ,which I witnessed here with my own eyes during the elections giving money to locals to vote for them .I am british and proud .and proud of the facts that we have equal rights to all immigrants unlike the countries that they are coming from .rant over