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Thread: English Language Test

  1. #1
    Respected Member John_10's Avatar
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    English Language Test

    Hi everyone Happy New Year...

    Hi this is Maricris. I will be applying for my ILR on 28 of August 2014. So, I would like to know about the English Test. I have read other threads on the forum and looked at the UKBA website but still a little bit confused.

    I have found the nearest test centre but they all seem to indicate that I need to be a student that wont be possible because I work over 40 hours a week so I would not be able to enroll as a student as I dont have the time. I do have at least 1 or 2 days off work were i might fit this in.

    I want to be able to study before I take the exam so I am better prepared So could someone explain what I should be looking for.

    Do I enrole in college for a skills for life course to prepare for the exam if so how long will it take days weeks.

    Or is it a day thing go in the morning study then take the exam, me and John are confused.

    Your advise would be much appreciated.

    Maricris + John

  2. #2
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Hi Maricris, have you taken your 'Life in the UK' test yet, also did you take an English test (IELTS) in the Philippines before arriving here?

  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    What English test have you taken before you came here to the UK? What score/grade did you get? If your past English test has a score/result equivalent to B1 and above, you don't have to retake the English test and can still submit your previous test result.
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  4. #4
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    Don't hesitate to take ielts test, it's really easy IMO. You don't need to enroll in college, just give 1 hr spare time everyday for a week for revision online. Believe me ielts is not hard as what I thought before. Goodluck x

  5. #5
    Respected Member John_10's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for your help. I took the IELTS in the Philippines in 3rd of September 2011 as part of my spouse visa application.

    My overall score is 4.5 and I passed. I have not taken the Life in the UK Test yet which I need to do for my ILR which I will be applying for on 28 of August 2014.

    So as far I am aware I thought I would have to take the English Language Test again as part of the new changes
    from the UKBA.

    If I have to take the English Test again what website did you go on for revision online.

    Once again many thanks for your reply. Maricris

  6. #6
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Please read this thread and take particular notice of post #65.

    IELTS has a minimum B1 level (overall score equivalent to 4.0). Although I think what you really need to have is for Listening and Speaking to have a score of at least 4.0 (as that's the main requirement UKBA needs). If your past IELTS results has atleast 4.0 on both Listening and Speaking, then I don't think you need to retake the English test.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  7. #7
    Respected Member John_10's Avatar
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    Hi Rayna thank you very much for your reply. I am just looking my certificate now Listening is 4.5, speaking 5.0, Reading 4.0 and Writing 5.0.

    I was looking at the link that you gave me just wondering about this .

    Please note that the 2 year validity attached to these qualifications only applies to entry clearance applications and are therefore still accepted for settlement and citizenship applications after this validity date.

    My certificate is dated 3rd of September 2011. So is it still valid. I now know with reading with other post that I have a B1 pass which is good just not sure if still valid.

  8. #8
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John_10 View Post
    Hi Rayna thank you very much for your reply. I am just looking my certificate now Listening is 4.5, speaking 5.0, Reading 4.0 and Writing 5.0.

    You don't need to retake the test then. Just submit the IELTS test result you have when you apply for ILR. Of course don't forget to pass the Life in the UK test.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  9. #9
    Respected Member John_10's Avatar
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    Thanks rayna that is great news, so all i have to do is the life in the uk test.

    Many thanks to everyone for your help. And a Happy New Year.

  10. #10
    Respected Member han's Avatar
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    Thanks for answer provided.

  11. #11
    Respected Member John_10's Avatar
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    Hi this is John & Maricris
    We have been browsing the forum looking at many threads regarding the English Test. Why are members of the forum taking the test again as I thought that everyone has already took the test and passed when they applied for the spouse visa in the Philippines.

    Many thanks.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by John_10 View Post
    ....Why are members of the forum taking the test again as I thought that everyone has already took the test and passed when they applied for the spouse visa in the Philippines.
    That's true, but UKBA raised the level for all applicants making application for ILR and British Citizenship.
    Look here for details of their media announcement

    For entry to the UK via Settlement route visa applications, the English Language requirement is a pass grade A1 from a UKBA approved test.
    For extension of leave to remain in UK under FLR(M) applications, the English Language requirement is a pass grade A1 from a UKBA approved test.
    For ILR settlement applications, the English Language requirement is a pass grade B1 from a UKBA approved test.
    For Naturalisation applications (British Citizenship), the English Language requirement is a pass grade B1 from a UKBA approved test.

    A number of folks struggled with the timing of the announcement and needed help to understand where to very quickly secure a suitable test at reasonable cost.
    Others had questions relating to previous test results and test certificate validity/expiration.

    Since you'll be applying ILR in August you need to submit evidence that you have achieved a pass grade B1 in a UKBA approved English Test.

    Hope that clarifies

  13. #13
    Respected Member John_10's Avatar
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    Many thanks Terpe for clearing that up, was strange everyone was taking the test again when they had already taken it through their visa application.
    Would it not make sence to change the pass to B1 in the visa application so everyone dose not have to go through all this trouble again when in the UK and to pay out more cash. Or am i just being silly

    Thanks Everyone

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by John_10 View Post
    Many thanks Terpe for clearing that up, was strange everyone was taking the test again when they had already taken it through their visa application.
    Would it not make sence to change the pass to B1 in the visa application so everyone dose not have to go through all this trouble again when in the UK and to pay out more cash. Or am i just being silly

    Thanks Everyone
    It's quite a increase in level.........
    A lot of folks might really struggle to reach that B1 level.

    I'm just guessing, but I would think that the level of English competency for speaking and listening would be much better after having lived in UK for a few years allowing a much better chance to progress.

    The government had been heavily criticised for granting settlement and British Citizenship to people who could hardly speak or understand any English. Hence the uplift in requirement.
    The idea is to improve integration by improving English Language skills

  15. #15
    Respected Member John_10's Avatar
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    Makes sence what you are saying Terpe, never thought of it that way.

  16. #16
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    hi all, my wife will be applying for citizenship along with our daughter ,in the very near future ,as we live in scotland iv been making some inquiries as to where she can sit the test for the b1 esol entry level 3 exam ,and have been in touch with our local college,who have advised us that she can take an esol course plus exam which would give her the relevant pass certificate for citizenship requirements ,i personally feel that my wifes english is near perfect so iv come across another option from ,trinity college london ,who are taking candidates for test on the new esol speaking and listening requirment at level entry 3 on jan 14th 28th feb11,25th march 11th 25 th at queenstreet glasgow ,tests must be booked and paid in advance ,to the sum of 125 gbp,may be worthwhile looking at trinitys website to see if they are testing ,near to any of you, who need to retake the exam,they state on their web page that the exam will last no longer than ten minuits ,and they give a good explination of what the test is all about ,

  17. #17
    Respected Member aprilovez's Avatar
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    very very informative ... i was also wondering if i ever need to take another test because of my certifications 2yrs validity ... now i know that i dont need as i have ielts certificate equevalent to b1 yay
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  18. #18
    Newbie (Restricted Access) KeithW's Avatar
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    Just a quick query everyone, even the English test was expired still can use soon? Cheers xx

  19. #19
    Respected Member chiechie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesy View Post
    hi all, my wife will be applying for citizenship along with our daughter ,in the very near future ,as we live in scotland iv been making some inquiries as to where she can sit the test for the b1 esol entry level 3 exam ,and have been in touch with our local college,who have advised us that she can take an esol course plus exam which would give her the relevant pass certificate for citizenship requirements ,i personally feel that my wifes english is near perfect so iv come across another option from ,trinity college london ,who are taking candidates for test on the new esol speaking and listening requirment at level entry 3 on jan 14th 28th feb11,25th march 11th 25 th at queenstreet glasgow ,tests must be booked and paid in advance ,to the sum of 125 gbp,may be worthwhile looking at trinitys website to see if they are testing ,near to any of you, who need to retake the exam,they state on their web page that the exam will last no longer than ten minuits ,and they give a good explination of what the test is all about ,
    Hi jamesy, I have just taken the B1 exam from Trinity college and I think it is an affordable option than enrolling for a course. It is a pretty much straightforward-interview like exam. They tell you right there and then as well if you have passed it and will give you an assessment form. I have opted for the additional £8.50 as well for the safe delivery of my certificate which will take a maximum of 14 days waiting. I have done my A1 certificate from them too and that has been accepted by UKBA for my FLR.

  20. #20
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    sorry just noticed your reply today ,my wife sat her test at trinity ,Glasgow,a month ago and passed ,sorry for not getting back to thank you sooner ,we havent been on the this website for months we have been busy

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