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Thread: Flr help

  1. #1
    Member STEVENJAG's Avatar
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    Flr help

    Any advice pls?

    We have filled out rough copy of the forms, under salary requirements, nothing's changed - still on 35k a year, minimum outgoings will show bank balance of £3,500 on the date of appointment in January. Not kept loads in bank each month as we've been withdrawing and spending it, trips away, stuff for house, wedding...etc etc, flights for March next year. I know they don't require savings if i apply under salary, but I'm sure it will help showing £3,500, as showed 2k for spouse visa?

    Do we need to get Citizens' Advice or a visa advisor to check these forms, or are we ok just fill 'em out best as we can, we're going in person so any issues can be dealt with on the day. Nothing's changed finances wise, we've got all wage slips, bank statements, letter from landlord and employer...our main worry is same as with fiance visa... just a bit scared it won't go our way. Are we right in thinking its just an extension of entry clearance we already have and just a formality and fee extracting process? What's the success stories??????

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEVENJAG View Post
    Any advice pls?

    We have filled out a rough copy of the forms, under salary requirements, nothing's changed - still on 35k a year, minimum outgoings will show bank balance of £3,500 on the date of appointment in January. Not kept loads in bank each month as we've been withdrawing and spending it, trips away stuff for house, wedding...etc etc, flights for March next year. I know they don't require savings if i apply under salary, but I'm sure it will help showing £3,500, as showed 2k for spouse visa?
    's good, Steven - the MAIN factor being that your salary has stayed at almost double the Minimum Income threshold for sponsors - even better, you've managed to schedule an appointment at a Public Enquiry Office (PEO) ... where you'll have an opportunity to "iron~out" *unforseen difficulties face-to-face with the authorities.

    Personally, though, I don't envisage you confronting any of *those ... providing you and your wife read carefully the accompanying Guidelines when completing her Application Form for Extended Leave to Remain.

    Quote Originally Posted by STEVENJAG View Post
    Do we need to get Citizens' Advice or a visa advisor to check these forms, or are we ok just fill 'em out best as we can, we're going in person so any issues can be dealt with on the day. Nothing's changed finances wise, we've got all wage slips, bank statements, letter from landlord and employer...our main worry is same as with fiance visa... just a bit scared it won't go our way.
    Hmm ... well ... ... I'm sure the **CAB would be happy to check the completed form on your behalf if you're both less than confident about the information you've inserted. Unlike a Visa Advisory Agency, ** THEIR service is provided FREE of charge ... as, of course, is ours!

    So, effectively, what I'm saying IS, rather than going to the added expense of hiring an Agency, just ask us here on the forum should you come across ANYTHING at all you're unsure of, and we will help to ensure the Application Form is filled-in correctly.

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEVENJAG View Post

    Are we right in thinking it's just an extension of entry clearance we already have and just a formality and fee extracting process? What's the success stories??????
    FLR could, (technically~speaking) be referred to as being - more or less - a formality ... YES! Do, also, bear in mind that the success rate is [usually] very high - particularly when transacted through a PEO ... where, as I've mentioned in my previous post, the applicant is dealing face to face with Home Office Officials, directly and, even more to the point, will be informed of the outcome within a couple of hours - hence avoiding the stress of waiting weeks for a postal result.

  4. #4
    Member STEVENJAG's Avatar
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    Many thanks - set my mind at ease a little, we're gunna try book citizens advice for next week, I'll keep you posted on our progress.

  5. #5
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    No harm in booking CAB interview. But be wary of implementing any suggested changes.
    CAB are a great free resource. Immigration matters is not their forte.

    As Arthur has mentioned, this FLR(M) application is largely a formality as part of the process going from the fiancee visa to extension of stay.

    Don't become complacent though.....if your application is not 'straightforward' then paying a premium for a personal appearance at a PEO is not a good strategy.
    The PEO application is for those straightforward applications that do not require ANY back-office checking/verification. Means it's not for sorting out issues on the day.
    Don't take even the slightest risk of putting yourself in a position of having paid a hefty premium and eventually being loaded at the bottom of the postal applications pile.

    No offence intended just trying to help

  6. #6
    Member STEVENJAG's Avatar
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    Happy xmas peeps!and thanks for the replies, everything is straightforward, im on 35k, we got joint tenancy at our flat,no kids, got english level covered, and think weve boxed the forms off,
    cant seem too see exact documents i as sponsor need to give?is it p60, letter from employer, wage slips n bank statements again?any help............?

  7. #7
    Member STEVENJAG's Avatar
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    Are we right to think biometrics gets done on day? Also, x ray for tb, we got one for her original entry, do we just reget one after we get flr?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEVENJAG View Post
    Are we right to think biometrics gets done on day? Also, x ray for tb, we got one for her original entry, do we just reget one after we get flr?
    We got our FLR in Nov 13
    Yes the Biometrics are done on the day if you have a PEO appointment. \The X ray for TB, we used the original one submitted at FLR and that was fine. The one I was worried about was the English test requirement, you need check your certificate is with a current provider as some are no longer recognised. We also submitted some additional photos together.

  9. #9
    Member STEVENJAG's Avatar
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    Oh yes thanks for all that, much help-the english test req?how do we do that-hopkins int. Partners, cebu (toeic)listening.reading,speaking..........was the only ukba approved centre in cebu when it was done nov 17 2012, and the certificate is valid till nov 2014.-is this ok then ???

  10. #10
    Member STEVENJAG's Avatar
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    There website list is confusing, still says toiec on there............any one know if the one we got is ok, at the time it was better standard than say entrants from thailand were getting,................and the only on in cebu.

  11. #11
    Member STEVENJAG's Avatar
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    Institutional Program - Hopkins International Partners‎
    Are those offered by your employer, school, or requiring institution such as the United Kingdom Border Agency (UKBA) via Hopkins International. These sessions are also recommended for those taking the TOEIC test for ... See test dates available for 2013. Note: The ... Inform you if your request has been approved or not., FOUNF THAT ON GOOGLE SO SUPPOSE ITS THE CORRECT ONE???

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEVENJAG View Post
    Oh yes thanks for all that, much help-the english test req?how do we do that-hopkins int. Partners, cebu (toeic)listening.reading,speaking..........was the only ukba approved centre in cebu when it was done nov 17 2012, and the certificate is valid till nov 2014.-is this ok then ???
    According to the UKBA approved list dated November 20 2013 TOEIC remains a valid approved test (see page 27)
    ETS remain an approved awarding organisation and Hopkins International Partners are an ETS Preferred Network Office.
    See Here

    Your Certificate remains current.

    All looks OK to me

  13. #13
    Member STEVENJAG's Avatar
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    Wow, great thanks again everybody, we seem to have everything in order then and well keep you all posted on the outcome, positive i hope!!! And a happy new year to everyone on here, all the best.

  14. #14
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    One last thing, paperwork wise..... Ive got the req 6 months payslips and 6 months bank statements, i get paid every wednesday, and all entries are shown and match up, but three PAY DATES over the 6 months have less going into the bank that day than the wage slip we get cash advanced holiday pay as and when we request it the week before, so the firm gives us in cash then deducts it from your pay the next week(it doesnt show any deduction on the pay slip), ive typed up a letter showing the amounts/dates/and cash advanced on the three occasions, put our payroll guys details and asked him to sign and date ther letter next to my sign and date, explaining.... and saying i still got the actual wage the payslip says, this should be ok?in case ive collated another full months payslips and statements just in case to show them....Hes also the one who does my letter from employer and is available by phone on the day if required.

  15. #15
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    If your attending I wouldn't worry about that especially if you already covered it in a letter. If they have any questions they will ask you to clarify. As long as you are above the required income threshold you will be ok.

  16. #16
    Member STEVENJAG's Avatar
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    thank you

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