I say yes. Violence never solves anything. Locking them in a dark cellar with the 'monsters' always worked for me![]()
I say yes. Violence never solves anything. Locking them in a dark cellar with the 'monsters' always worked for me![]()
Keith - Administrator
Do gooders again. Bring back the cane in schools.
"Wait till your father gets home" and then the belt never did me any harm
I'm sure some on here will disagree![]()
100% agree, not beating but a well timed smack on the legs stops them in their track.It's the shock effect.
all this namby pamby talk to your child crap dies not work.
Its backward if you ask me. You discipline your kids at home and they are let to run riot at school. Next thing you know they bring back a card with the childline number on it.. My youngest did this years ago. I said phone them. Meanwhile I will be upstairs packing your bags. Obviously she didnt phone them and turned out to be a credit to me.
I phoned Childline once, but they told me in no uncertain terms that they didn't do trade-ins!!![]()
Keith - Administrator
So long as the child gets plenty of love I don't see anything wrong with it. Emotional neglect is far more harmful than getting smacked, something a lot of people fail to realise.
a shout from me use to work , but in the real word these days, when you see kids screaming and shouting and rolling around on the floor, well i dont know, each to there own you should know your own child and what you could do
I agree that statement steve. You need to know your kids.. And let them know the rules. You can give plenty of love to kids but there is a line which they dont cross and they need to know that.
Thought it was illegal already..I can remember my daughter coming home from school as a 5 year old back in 1988. We were all sat at the table quietly having dinner (this doesn't happen nowadays) all of a sudden Emma blurts out for no reason whatsoever..'if you hit me I'll report you to the NSPCC and tell my teacher' The kids were well versed even then.
That's right, well looked after kids aren't afraid. My younger sister and I were never beaten but our much older siblings were. Didn't do them any harm. .all ended up with good jobs families and homes. We all have respect for our parents unlike what I witnessed over the Xmas period. .nieces and nephews using 4 letter words in front of their parents. ..caused a row, I can tell you. They wouldn't of behaved Like that if their granddad was still around. No respect! ! ' Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year' I should coco. .They get full of Dutch courage then start mouthing off. ..I didn't need drink to stop it. .my 81 yo mother was in tears. That's drink for you.
Don't know what you implied Joe but ive never beaten or even smacked any of my kids. ...even the 3 past and present wives. Apart from 1 the other 2 can vouch for that.
I came from a family where 'good hidings' were the norm, if we behaved badly enough. Fortunately that was usually sufficient deterrent .
I can honestly say that I've never struck my own boy. He's been so good, and I love him too much to make him cry or physically hurt him. Never been the need.
That doesn't mean that I don't believe in (restrained) slapping when appropriate though.
i dont think it is a deterrent, its just a cycle from parents to kids
i can remember my school days, the class joker would mess about get taken out side get the slipper, come back in the class , smiling (maybe faking it ?) and next lesson do it again..
the best deterrent was keeping kids behind after school for a hour![]()
My siblings and I were hit with belts and some other things when we were kids (and I don't know any of my friends who were not hit by their parents when they were kids), usually when all of us were fighting with each other or were reasoning out to my parents and shouting at them when we did something wrong. There were even times that my dad tied my brothers on each end of the bed because they won't stop fighting.
Once I tried puffing a cigarette when I was in gradeschool and a neighbour saw me and told my mum. When I got home, my mum was so mad and threw a slippers on me and it went straight to my eye. I was grounded and locked in the room the rest of the day until some relatives visited us that night. Hahaha..But that from that moment, I got scared of trying things that I know will be prohibited.
My siblings and I all respect and have high regards of my parents, grandparents, and other relatives older than us. You will never hear us swearing in front of them. None of us got spoiled or became a brat. Not one of us had a rebellious life. But I see the difference with my two nephews (aged 8 and 4) who never got the spank or been told off when they do nasty things, especially the 4 yr.old. We just can't control him and he always get what he likes.![]()
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
I'm not associating it fully, of course smart parenting still did its best. My parents are the best!But if we didn't get the threat of smacking, I don't think we'll be scared enough of my parents and their authority. My nephew (the 4 yr old one), whenever his parents tell him "I will smack you in the hand" when he acts inappropriately just laughs it off and always thinks no matter what he does is fine. He never gets the smacking though.
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
i was lucky you may say , coming from a very large family and being one of the youngest we did not get a slipper or a beating or what ever you may call it, but i can remember my older bros and sisters getting a beating, sticks and what ever came into the hands who was giving it, was it the norm in those days it seems so if you spoke to your friends at the time,
I can remember being beaten up one day at school, because i was cheeky to a lady teacher, her male lover who was a teacher at the same school, came straight up to me and gave me a good hiding and kicking and because i tried to defend myself he attacked me even worst, i was 12 at the time,
I dare not go home to tell my parents because i thought it was my fault for being cheeky, how times have changed, for the best yes, and there is nothing worst then seeing some grub of a parent shouting abuse at a baby in a pushchair, just my own thoughts
The threat of a slap across the back of the leg should be a strong deterrent. If it is used too often then it becomes meaningless.
Keith - Administrator
My childhood was spent with a violent father.
Beatings for any perceived mistake was commonplace.
Despite that......from my own frame-of-reference.... beatings, slaps, smacks etc were NEVER a deterrent. Period
Children need good parenting not good hidings.
To say "it never did me any harm" is neither true nor good reason. IMHO
Ok it's easy a slap on the back of the legs is fairly easy to imagine, beating your child with belts,fists etc is beating a child and is totally different.
I am a child brought up in the 60s with occasional slap, could be by parents, teachers or police - all were allowed.
Soon taught me discipline and I rarely was a bad kid.
no mental hangovers from it,no recurring nightmares as I wasn't beaten up.
i totally agree with it being used in moderation![]()
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