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Hi Dan,
In principle you'll have no problems at all. Your circumstances are very common and are covered within the rules.
Working overseas and then simply transfer with the same employer to a job in the UK can be used to meet both the overseas employment income and the confirmed job offer in the UK required. You'll just need to determine/decide if your position will be best presented under Category A or Category B. (more reading for you I'm afraid)
The only potential complication that may or may not need a fix is that of having a UK PAYE Scheme with HMRC. (TAX & NI)
If your employer already has a UK presence/base an already operates an HMRC PAYE Scheme then no problem.
If not...then your employer (or yourself acting on their behalf) will need to set-up a Scheme. This usually follows a format of you taking responsibity for PAYE. Means your employer pays you gross and you will operate the PAYE and make deductions and subsequent payments to HMRC.
It really isn't as daunting as it might seem, and anyway there are plenty of organisations that will do it for you (at a price of course).
Anyway, specifically in connection with visa application I would suggest attempting to secure confirmation (PAYE-wise) directly from UKBA if a PAYE schem is mandatory for settlement route visa, or if they will accept confirmation from your employer that the correct TAX regime will be conducted in due course.
It may or may not be required for Visa Application, but it'll need to be done anyway.
Not wanting to cause concerns, just trying to cover all bases.
UKBA is not a caring compassionate organisation....it's driven solely by rules. Period
As usual.....the devil is in the detail