When i comes to taxis, I've found standing back (out of sight) and letting my lady bargin helps a lot, often (as we go just outside manilla) it will be meter + 50 or 100. sometimes a flat rate of 300... If i'm within sight it will be hard to find one for less than meter + 400... but of course it just takes a few goes either way.

You can ask one of the touts (teenagers seem to be best) to find you a taxi that will charge meter + 50 say, give the tout 5 or 10 php for the trouble after you have checked with the driver... if he says no then just get out and the tout will find another...just tell him where you are going and how much you will pay.

On the subject of people asking for money, beggers... hmmm this is the hardest thing for me, (having a soft heart) I try not to give anything but if approched at say a petrol station when filling up, i get them to clean the lights, side windows or some other small task then give them 1 or 2 php.
(rag must be old otherwise they escape with it instead) or food if i have it.
