peter, good thing it was only the lawyer not the LAW that is on vacation. lol.
i appreciate that it is much faster now compared to the "old days" and i honestly am thankful for that. 5 weeks and a bit im waiting but subconciously i know im hoping to hear soon cause ive read on recent posts that they receive their visas in 6 weeks. but hey, the sun does not shine everyday. at this point in time all i could do as i have previously mention on another post is pray and hope.
im a bit calmer now. luckily the stress has not strained our marriage. obviously there would be the odd days but i am very blessed to have a husband who does not have pride running through his blood.
i look forward to each day as it brings new hope. another chance to go to church (sta.clara) and do my novena and submit my petition. another day filled with love and faith that my husband and i could finally live as man and wife very very very soon.
and hopefully in the very near future i can start a thread titled
"visa granted".