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Thread: Little bit bogged down with all the information

  1. #1
    Respected Member lilbasuk's Avatar
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    Little bit bogged down with all the information

    I am looking to get married later this year in Gensan. I have read all the info on this site and it has given me a great understanding of what i need to do and the whole process. However, when I had a look on the British Embassy website to book an appointment in Manila, I was a bit bogged down with all the info and fancy words

    I don't want to miss anything or get anything wrong cos I will only be in the Philippines for about 3 and a half weeks. Just want everything to run as smoothly as possible.

    It would be great if someone with experience could just help me out and run through my plans with me I would really appreciate it

    I'm traveling around the 23rd of July until about the 21st of August. So my first step before i book my flight would be to book an appointment with the British Embassy in Manila as I really only want to spend 1 night in Manila before I travel on to Gensan were my gf lives. On the website it gives you 2 options the first is

    Notice of Marriage and Certificate of No Impediment Php9750.00 (30 min)

    and the second is

    Certificate of No Impediment (CNI) to an intended Marriage Php 4875.00 (30 min)

    I'm not sure if I would need just the CNI or do I need the Notice of Marriage as well?

    I'm sure I will have more questions as the time goes on but this is my first stumbling block if u like

    Cheers in advanced

  2. #2
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    The CNI is a Certificate of No Impediment (sometimes called Legal Capacity to Marry).

    The UK CNI is available from your local registry office. It is issued after your Notice of Marriage is posted and takes 22 days from time of application. It's 21 days for the 'bans'.
    You then need to present your UK issued CNI to the British Embassy in the Philippines who will exchange it and issue you with an official Philippine version CNI (Certificate of Legal Capacity to Marry.)
    This local Philippine CNI is required by Philippine law in order to secure a marriage license.

    So in your case you do not need the Embassy to post Notice of Marriage. That's only for those British Citizens folks who are residing in the Philippines and need to have their Notice of Marriage posted at the British Embassy.

    You might want to consider working the dates/deadlines back from your planned wedding date so you can easily see the whole plan 'datewise'
    Your UK issued CNI will generally be treated as 3 months validity before having the Philippine version CNI issued.
    This Philippine CNI must be presented for Marriage Licence within it's 3 month Validity.
    The Marriage Licence has a validity of 120 days.

    I suggest you always check the latest information for paperwork needed etc but in principle you need:-

    Birth certificate - original

    Philippine CNI (needed for the application of a marriage license.)

    BTW many Brits are now reporting that you may well be required to obtain a your own CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage) from NSO (National Statistics Office) so you might need to include this contingency as well.
    Your own CENOMAR can be ordered online at a small cost

    For the Marriage License - Apply for this in your fiancée's home town at the registry office. (or locality of where marriage will take place)
    You might also be requested to attend the "Pre-Marriage Seminar" counselling sessions prior to being allowed to be married. Check and ask when you apply for the marriage license

    After you apply for the license there is a mandatory 10 day waiting period while the marriage banns are published

    To apply for the Marriage License you should consider having as many of the following documents as you can:-

    Your birth certificate
    Your passport
    Your C.N.I.
    Your NSO CENOMAR (if needed, please check well beforehand)
    Your Divorce decree asbsolute (if applicable)

    Certificate of 'Pre-Marriage Seminar' (if needed, please check well beforehand)

    Her N.S.O. birth certificate (This should be fresh from NSO on latest type of security paper. Check)
    Her Passport (or other appropriate ID)
    Her Barangay clearance (if needed, please check well beforehand)
    Her community tax certificate (often called Cedula)
    Her postal I.D. Address
    Her Parents signed advice form (for under 25 years)
    Her Parents I.D.

    Hope this helps a little.

    Appointments at the British Embassy were recently running at around 2 months 'waiting' time for a slot.
    I'd strongly suggest booking a slot as early as possible.

  3. #3
    Respected Member lilbasuk's Avatar
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    thanks terpe that's really helpful I will take everything into consideration as I plan my wedding. cheers mate

  4. #4
    Respected Member lilbasuk's Avatar
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    so i dont need to apply for notice of marriage? I was looking on the embassy website and was reading the information below the application for the CNI and it confused me a little. It says

    .If you are applying for your CNI for the first time at the British Embassy, you will pay this fee in addition to Fee No. 10 (Notice of Marriage) on the current Consular fee list

    does this mean i have to pay for the Notice of Marriage even though i dont need it?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilbasuk View Post
    so i dont need to apply for notice of marriage? I was looking on the embassy website and was reading the information below the application for the CNI and it confused me a little. It says

    .If you are applying for your CNI for the first time at the British Embassy, you will pay this fee in addition to Fee No. 10 (Notice of Marriage) on the current Consular fee list

    does this mean i have to pay for the Notice of Marriage even though i dont need it?
    The notice of marriage will be done in UK.
    You do not need to do it in Philippines.
    You do not need to pay for it......only for the local (Philippine CNI)

    Click on this link here to take a look at the British Embassy note called - Explanatory Notice to British Nationals Contemplating Marriage in the Philippines

    1. How to proceed if you already have a CNI issued by a Registrar of Marriages in the United Kingdom, or a British Embassy/Consulate Overseas
    The Registrar in the UK, or the Consular Official at the British Embassy/Consulate overseas, will require you to appear personally before him. Your Notice of Marriage will have to be posted on his notice board for 21 days before he can issue your CNI. When the procedure is completed, the Registrar in the UK will give you a CNI, which you must present to the British Embassy Manila.
    The local CNI will be available after your appointment if all the documents are in order and there will be no requirement for you to re-visit the Embassy.

  6. #6
    Respected Member lilbasuk's Avatar
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    cheers again mate

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