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Thread: Now the Romanians arrive on C4's ‘Benefits Street

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  1. #1
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    Puke bucket filled rapidly as I watch Episode 2 last night

    Did anyone else watch it ? the despicable 12 strong Roma family who were living in squalor moaned that they had houses and better lives in Romania - why don't they go back there.

    Thankfully for the rest of the n'er do wells in Benefit St the Romas weren't there long - evicted for non payment of rent after the electricity and gas they were stealing was cut off.

  2. #2
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Puke bucket filled rapidly as I watch Episode 2 last night

    Did anyone else watch it ? the despicable 12 strong Roma family who were living in squalor moaned that they had houses and better lives in Romania - why don't they go back there.

    Thankfully for the rest of the n'er do wells in Benefit St the Romas weren't there long - evicted for non payment of rent after the electricity and gas they were stealing was cut off.
    Dont suppose they were hauled before the courts for theft though !

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by malchard888 View Post
    Dont suppose they were hauled before the courts for theft though !
    Quite right Malchard - a letter expressing similar sentiments from the Dewsbury Reporter :-

    Why are we brow-beaten into submission

    Published on the 14 January

    Can someone please explain the difference between say, myself stating that when moving to a new neighbourhood, that I will beg, steal and commit any number of criminal acts, in order to get by – as opposed to a certain number of the new foreign migrants on their way to this country, reported to have stated exactly the same things.

    Which of the two cases do you believe the authorities would take action against?

    There’s no need to answer that particular question, because we all know what that answer will be, and there lies the problem.

    Our lily-livered political “masters” from all parties have been brow-beaten into submission by an alien authority, never countenanced by the British public, to forfeit our sovereign right to decide who can and cannot be allowed into this country.

    Now the truth is out there, this government cannot or will not do anything to stop this abuse, now or in the future, to our hospitality.

    I predict that eventually the people themselves, will take to the streets if necessary to determine exactly who this country actually belongs to.

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