Hi all,
Just joined this forum and look forward to finding out more. I have one main question for anyone who may be able to help. I've met a lovely Filipina who I've been Skyping with for 2 months now. Went over there for Xmas/New Year and got on very well with each other. Next step for us will be a fiance visa. I've read all the official guidance plus lots on here but there's one question which remains unanswered. How long do you need to have known each other before applying for the visa. I ask this because:
a) There's nothing whatsoever about it on the official site and
b) One of the reasons given for refusal is that they've not known each other long enough

but, yet again, absolutely no clue as to what period of time is long enough.

There - I feel better just for having posted the question!
I realise there's probably no definitive answer but any clues or relevant experiences gratefully received. Thanks.