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Thread: CNI-questions..

  1. #1
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    Post CNI-questions..

    Good evening everyone. I need some help.

    Me and my fiance got engaged last year december. The plan is to get married probably by the end of this year or early month next year after he finished another contract of his work. Now, here is the thing I guess our marriage will be a bit early now since I am a teacher and I am pregnant and I wanted to keep my work as I love working and teaching little children. So we decided to have a civil wedding as soon as possible.
    Here is my question my fiance is with his best friend living in australia, he's having a few weeks vacation there and will be here this coming feb.
    The question is it possible to get a CNI in Australia? if so, does he need an original copy of his divorce paper with him? and how long will he need to wait to get the CNI in aus.?

    Another thing, if the aus CNI will not work.
    Is it possible to get a CNI here in the Philippines? How long it will take?
    Thank you, hopefully you guys can help us.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by pecia19 View Post
    ....The question is it possible to get a CNI in Australia? if so, does he need an original copy of his divorce paper with him? and how long will he need to wait to get the CNI in aus.?....
    Well he'll need to comply with 'Marriage with Foreigners Act 1906'
    From the information you've given he's not 'resident' in Australia so will be unable to secure his CNI there.

    Quote Originally Posted by pecia19 View Post
    ....Is it possible to get a CNI here in the Philippines? How long it will take?....
    He'd need to be in the Philippines for 21 clear days before giving notice of the intended marriage.
    This 21 day period must be immediately prior to acceptance of the Notice.
    Once the notice is accepted, his physical presence in the Philippines is not required.

    To give notice of the intended marriage, he'll need to swear an Affidavit before an Embassy/ Consular Officer to the effect that he's not aware of any impediment to the marriage (including previous marriages).
    The Notice of Marriage will then be displayed in a public place in the Embassy/Consulate for a further 21 clear days (excluding the day he swears the Affidavit).
    The needed local (Philippine) CNI will be issued the day after that 21 day period has elapsed and you can collect it from the Embassy.

    Remember this whole process takes 42 DAYS and the local (Philippines) CNI must be used within 3 months of date of issue to secure the marriage licence.
    Also be aware that an appointment at the British Embassy needs to be made and currently this seems to require around 2 months notice.

    Applicants who have been previously married must produce to the Embassy and to the Philippine authorities original death certificate or divorce decree absolute/annulment papers, as appropriate.

    Pecia, have you considered a quickie marriage in Hong Kong?

    I understand it's reasonably simple and fast with minimal documentation required. Maybe worth considering.

    Good luck

  3. #3
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    What are the requirements for both of us if we consider to get married in hongkong?

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