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Thread: ILR help

  1. #1
    Respected Member ann_barnett's Avatar
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    ILR help

    Hello Everyone...

    I am planning to appy for ILR next week on a premium service. My husband is in receipt of housing and council tax benefits, child tax and working tax credits,

    -my question is: DO I NEEDTO SUBMIT ALL THE DOCUMENTATIONS OF ALL THESE BENEFITS from the time he applied for it? or I just need to submit the most recent documents of the benefits?

    -do I need to write a covering letter for Set M? if yes, anyone can send me a sample?

    thank you and kind regards.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi Ann,

    Just gather together the most recent (say 6 months)

    It's better to have them to hand when your at PEO than risk not having them if the caseworker ask for them.

    Make sure you have the past 6 months bank statements/payslips and other docs too.

    It's very rare to be refused ILR solely on Financials. It always used to be the case that caseworkers were instructed accordingly.

    I'm sure you'll be fine.......

    There's no need at all to prepare a covering letter for PEO application.
    Your application should be straighforward without any complications or the need for any detailed explanations.
    With personal appearance you need to be prepared with all the needed documents otherwise you'll not get a decision on the day.

    Here's what UKBA state:-

    Your finances

    Please tick the relevant section to indicate the source of the finances you and your partner are relying on to adequately maintain yourselves and any dependants without recourse to public funds (see Note 7 also). You must provide sufficient and recent evidence for each source you are relying on for a full consideration to be made.

    Recent bank account/building society statements and pay slips evidencing employment for you and/or your partner

    Bank account/building society statements evidencing any savings of you and/or your partner

    Official documentation confirming receipt of public funds (including the amounts paid) and corresponding bank account/building society statements showing receipt of public funds

    Any other evidence of maintenance

    Good luck Ann, we're looking forward to hearing the good news

  3. #3
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Good luck Ann, hope all goes well for you!

  4. #4
    Respected Member ann_barnett's Avatar
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    Thank you Terpe

    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Hi Ann,

    Just gather together the most recent (say 6 months)

    It's better to have them to hand when your at PEO than risk not having them if the caseworker ask for them.

    Make sure you have the past 6 months bank statements/payslips and other docs too.

    It's very rare to be refused ILR solely on Financials. It always used to be the case that caseworkers were instructed accordingly.

    I'm sure you'll be fine.......

    There's no need at all to prepare a covering letter for PEO application.
    Your application should be straighforward without any complications or the need for any detailed explanations.
    With personal appearance you need to be prepared with all the needed documents otherwise you'll not get a decision on the day.

    Here's what UKBA state:-

    Good luck Ann, we're looking forward to hearing the good news

  5. #5
    Respected Member ann_barnett's Avatar
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    Thank you Michael
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Good luck Ann, hope all goes well for you!

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    good luck

  7. #7
    Respected Member skysisi's Avatar
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    hi! sir terpe! is it not at risk to claim those kind of benefits if i will apply my ILR next year? my husband is planning to claim like council tax benefits and child tax credit on his name but we are worried maybe this cause us a problem for my visa..

  8. #8
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skysisi View Post
    hi! sir terpe! is it not at risk to claim those kind of benefits if i will apply my ILR next year? my husband is planning to claim like council tax benefits and child tax credit on his name but we are worried maybe this cause us a problem for my visa..
    Hi skysisi,

    What your husband claims in his own right will have no bearing on your claim for ILR he is entitled to them, as Terpe has said it is very rare for UKBA to refuse solely on financials.

    As long as you have between you an amount equal to or above income support levels for a couple which I believe is about £115 per week after council tax and mortgage/rent is paid then all will be fine.

    Good luck skysisi..

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