Thank you so much for that, I think I need speak to one of them solicitors, Monera has spoken to the judge in the sharia courts and he is adamant that she was legally allowed to marry and has written a letter on headed paper to explain this for us to use in visa application. He is on vacation at this time but when he gets back to Gensan he is going to look to see if it's possible for him to change the dates on her divorce papers.
If I could get my hands on that lawyer that ripped us off !!!! we have been to his offices twice together trying to track him down, but we have only managed to get his son who told us his dad had a major drink and casino addiction and has left his wife. They no longer have any more contact with him. Whether that is true or not I really don't know !!!
But that does not help us.
We have been told that the marriage certificate is valid we have.