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Thread: Help Please: What should I do next after the wedding Ceremony?

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Talking Help Please: What should I do next after the wedding Ceremony?

    Hi Everyone,

    My fiancée and I are getting married in a few weeks but I dont know what should I do next and what legal papers should I sort after the ceremony in order for me stay in this country? I was thinking of what type of application I will do since the fiancée visa will just last for 6 months. If the answer is yes, I need to know what are the requirements needed and where to submit. I've been checking UKBA but it didn't state on what to do next after getting married (maybe I haven't scrutinize the page well.. :(.. my bad )Also, I wanted to know after the wedding, am I already entitled with some of the benefits like registering to a GP or can I look for a job after? Am I also gonna change my passport since I'm going to change my last name? do they need to get a biometrics from me or do I need to have some sort of ID? I am really confused and Im so blind with the processes (actually both of us). Your reply would be a big help! Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
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    Oh I forgot to mention that the type of visa I have is the EEA Famliy permit, since my fiance is a Spanish (also a Spain passport holder) but living here in the UK for over a decade. I was thinking that maybe I will be needing a separate forms or requirements compared to the usual British fiancée permit. Looking forward for your reply.

  3. #3
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    once married change to spouse visa ukba not sure on amount as things have changed a lot lately. check at top page under visa sure others will add more

  4. #4
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    when you go to top this page under visa go to family visa part and then to this: What should you do after the ceremony if you want to stay in the UK? it will give all info you need

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks hawk for the reply. Do you have an idea about FLR(M)? Cause when I was checking out some of the posts here in search for the answers to my questions, I came across with the FLR(M). Do I need to do it while applying for a spouse visa? Just to make things clear, I am already here in the UK having an EEA family permit visa (equivalent to UK's fiancée visa) and the wedding ceremony will be here.

  6. #6
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    You don't need to apply FLR(M). Since your husband is Spanish, I think you only need to apply a residence card. Please read it on this link..
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adhing View Post
    Oh I forgot to mention that the type of visa I have is the EEA Famliy permit, since my fiance is a Spanish (also a Spain passport holder) but living here in the UK for over a decade. I was thinking that maybe I will be needing a separate forms or requirements compared to the usual British fiancée permit. Looking forward for your reply.
    You really need to explain the basis on which you were issued with a family permit and how and when you entered the UK.

    From the information you've shared, you are not under UK immigration rules and as such your EEA Family permit will not expire, despite having an expiry date. That date is only indicating the validity period to enter UK.
    You should not apply for spouse visa or FLR(M) from UKBA as that is not the legal regulation you are following.

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