Hi Everyone,
My fiancée and I are getting married in a few weeks but I dont know what should I do next and what legal papers should I sort after the ceremony in order for me stay in this country? I was thinking of what type of application I will do since the fiancée visa will just last for 6 months. If the answer is yes, I need to know what are the requirements needed and where to submit. I've been checking UKBA but it didn't state on what to do next after getting married (maybe I haven't scrutinize the page well.. :(.. my bad )Also, I wanted to know after the wedding, am I already entitled with some of the benefits like registering to a GP or can I look for a job after? Am I also gonna change my passport since I'm going to change my last name? do they need to get a biometrics from me or do I need to have some sort of ID? I am really confused and Im so blind with the processes (actually both of us). Your reply would be a big help! Thanks in advance.
-Adhing http://filipinaroses.com/images/icons/icon10.png