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Thread: English Test

  1. #1
    Respected Member grahame 1's Avatar
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    English Test

    My Wife has just had a call from the UK embassy saying she will have to take her English speaking test again. As the rules changed on the 28 Oct and she needs a pass of 80 and she only got 70. The pass then was 50. She took the test back in July. Passed the listening test easy - 345 score. I think she has got an appointment at Hopkins on the 27 Dec. I paid visa fee on 5 Nov and it was at the embassy on 9 Nov so it was about 10 days too late. To say we are P!!!!!! OFF is an understatement and VSF never picked it up

  2. #2
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    Sorry, I'm a little puzzled by this....

    Exactly which UK Visa is she applying for ??

    Solely from the information you've shared I guess it's an intial UK entry Visa leading to settlement (spouse) applied for from Philippines ??

    The October 28 2013 changes are here

    These changes apply only to those folks applying for Settlement (ILR) or Naturalisation (British Citizenship)

    The English Test level of A1 for entry has not changed.
    It remains at A1 level of a UKBA approved English test

    Did she take an approved test??
    Did she achieve a pass?

  3. #3
    Respected Member grahame 1's Avatar
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    She is applying for her spouse visa. She went to Hopkins in Cebu and she had a score of 70 and the pass was 50. I will know more when she sends me an email about the call she had from the embassy. But she told me she needs an 80 pass mark for spoken English now as of the 28 Oct.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    She is applying for her spouse visa She went to Hopkins in Cebu and she had a score of 70 and the pass was 50. I Will know more when she sends me an email about the call she had from the embassy. But she told me she needs an 80 pass mark for spoken English now as of the 28 Oct.
    As I understand it there's been no change at all to the English Language requirement for Spouse visa entry to UK. Period
    It's A1 level
    The October 28 changes are as I indicated above and do not apply in your case.

    If it's Hopkins and with scores like that it seem that she took TOEIC test.
    The UKBA required scores for spouses at A1 level are:-
    Listening - 60
    Speaking - 50

    This is shown on the UKBA Approved List here at page 27

    If it's not TOEIC but some other test then the required A1 levels will also be listed there.

    Something doesn't add up here right now.
    Better wait for updated information

    Can you confirm the test she submitted to UKBA

  5. #5
    Respected Member grahame 1's Avatar
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    I have just spoken to my wife. And it's bad news she has a REFUSAL OF ENTRY CLEARANCE. ECO reasons for refusals as follows:

    You are not exempt from the English language requirement under paragraph E-ECP.4.2. As evidence you have passed the English Language test at A1 of the Common European Framework you have presented your ETS TOEIC Official score sheet showing you achieved a score in speaking of 70. The grade required to achieve level A1 is 80, you have not met the A1 standard and I therefore refuse your application under paragraph EC-P.1.1{d} of appendix FM of the Immigration Rules [E-ECP.4.1]

    We have 28 days to appeal, and my wife has already booked another speaking test for the 11 Jan. Do you think my Member of Parliament could help?

  6. #6
    Respected Member aprilovez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    I have just spoken to my wife. And it's bad news she has a REFUSAL OF ENTRY CLEARANCE. ECO reasons for refusals as follows:

    You are not exempt from the English language requirement under paragraph E-ECP.4.2. As evidence you have passed the English Language test at A1 of the Common European Framework you have presented your ETS TOEIC Official score sheet showing you achieved a score in speaking of 70. The grade required to achieve level A1 is 80, you have not met the A1 standard and I therefore refuse your application under paragraph EC-P.1.1{d} of appendix FM of the Immigration Rules [E-ECP.4.1]

    We have 28 days to appeal, and my wife has already booked another speaking test for the 11 Jan. Do you think my Member of Parliament could help?
    Hoping ur refusal will be overturned soon. Just send the passed English test and other documents back to them as soon as possible ... everything will be ok just tell ur wife to focus on passing the English test they require.
    If love doesn’t require some sort of sacrifice on our part, we probably aren’t loving the person at all.

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    I have just spoken to my wife. And it's bad news she has a REFUSAL OF ENTRY CLEARANCE. ECO reasons for refusals as follows:

    You are not exempt from the English language requirement under paragraph E-ECP.4.2. As evidence you have passed the English Language test at A1 of the Common European Framework you have presented your ETS TOEIC Official score sheet showing you achieved a score in speaking of 70. The grade required to achieve level A1 is 80, you have not met the A1 standard and I therefore refuse your application under paragraph EC-P.1.1{d} of appendix FM of the Immigration Rules E-ECP.4.1}

    We have 28 days to appeal, and my wife has already booked another speaking test for the 11 Jan.
    Sorry to read of the refusal, Grahame. Damn those Language Tests!!! ... IMO, they're so unnecessary for Filipinos - whose MAIN medium of instruction in schools is in English. Better luck to your wife on her next attempt.

    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    Do you think my member of parliament could help
    Can't do any harm ... ... most definitely worth a try!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    I have just spoken to my wife. And it's bad news she has a REFUSAL OF ENTRY CLEARANCE. ECO reasons for refusals as follows:

    You are not exempt from the English language requirement under paragraph E-ECP.4.2 As evidence you have passed the English Language test at A1of the Common European Framework you have presented your ETS TOEIC Official score sheet showing you achieved a score in speaking of 70. The grade required to achieve level A1 is 80, you have not met the A1 standard and I therefore refuse your application under paragraph EC-P.1.1{d} of appendix FM of the Immigration Rules [E-ECP.4.1]

    We have 28 days to appeal, and my wife has already booked another speaking test for the 11 jan. Do you think my member of parliament could help
    Sorry about the refusal Grahame.......must admit I'm still puzzled.
    I suggest you make some urgent confirmation requests from both UKBA and ETS on the score system being stated to meet A1 level.

    UKBA's own English Language listing dated 20 November 2013 clearly states that the score required for speaking is 50
    I think you have a case for refund of fees on the fact that if it was changed from 50 to 80 then that information should have been included in the 20th November UKBA approved English Language listing. If it had been known then you would not have submitted the application.

    To be honest I can find no information anywhere that states the score requirement for A1 level has been increased from 50 to 80

    I stand to be corrected (as always) but am totally bemused by UKBA's position.

    Here's a snapshot of their own information:-


    Here's a snapshot of the scores required for UKBA spouses as stated by ETS:-


    And another table of information from ETS here:-


    Grahame, it's a personal choice what you decide to do as next steps.
    You should continue to follow the appeals procedure, simply because you are forced to.

    But do consider the evidence I have presented and do consider getting confirmations of the immigration rule and the UKBA specified score in addition to confirmation of their official and approved score change from 50 to 80

    Why has such an important change not been published.

  9. #9
    Respected Member grahame 1's Avatar
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    Hi Terpe as you suggested I have emailed ETS about test requirement. UK Border Agency a bit more difficult as I could find no email address . So I have emailed VFS in the Philippines and asked them. Also emailed my member of parliament Amber Rudd. I spoke to her in an open surgery she was having 4 weeks ago and she said if I have trouble with visa to contact her. Will see what she can do.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    ....UKborder agency a bit more difficult as I could find no email address.....
    Try these ALL:-

    Kingsley Magee - Regional Operations Manager
    NE Asia/Australasia - International Operations and Visas
    UK Border Agency
    British Embassy
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila

    Tel: +63 (0)2 858 2235
    FTN: 8411 2235
    Mobile: +63 (0)917 556 8120

    Ms B Pastolero - Appeals and Correspondence Manager, Manila Visa Hub
    NE Asia/Australasia - International Operations and Visas
    UK Border Agency
    British Embassy
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    McKinley Hill
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila, Philippines

    Fax: +63 2 8582305

    Ms D Odarve - Entry Clearance Assistant
    Correspondence Team
    Manila Visa Hub
    NE Asia/Australasia - International Operations and Visas
    UK Border Agency
    British Embassy
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    McKinley Hill
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila, Philippines

    Fax: +63 2 8582305

    Trevor Lewis - Deputy Head of Mission
    British Embassy Manila
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    McKinley Hill
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila, Philippines

    Asif Ahmad - British Ambassador to the Philippines
    British Embassy Manila
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    McKinley Hill
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila, Philippines

    Make it clear the application was submitted based on the specific information of scores on the UKBA official publication and if their information is incorrect then you demand a refund.
    State you demand to see where that scoring is published.

    BTW don't expect anything from your MP
    I have never heard of any postive impacts resulting from the input/involvement of any MP.Period
    The best they can do is to raise a formal enquiry to the Home Office who will in response state that the application fell for refusal. Period.

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    Hi Terpe as you suggested I have emailed ETS about test requirement. UK Border Agency a bit more difficult as I could find no email address . So I have emailed VFS in the Philippines and asked them. Also emailed my member of parliament Amber Rudd. I spoke to her in an open surgery she was having 4 weeks ago and she said if I have trouble with visa to contact her. Will see what she can do.
    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post

    BTW don't expect anything from your MP
    I have never heard of any postive impacts resulting from the input/involvement of any MP. Period
    's true ... but - given her [previous] offers of help - perhaps there's no harm in sending her an "Amber" alert.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Rather odd

  13. #13
    Respected Member grahame 1's Avatar
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    Many thanks Terpe,
    I have emailed all of the above, Just have to wait for their response.
    Have to start looking into my wife's appeal now

  14. #14
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    Many thanks Terpe,
    I have emailed all of the above, Just have to wait for their response.
    Have to start looking into my wife's appeal now
    Good luck, hope it get's resolved quickly!

  15. #15
    Respected Member grahame 1's Avatar
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    Hi am I being very stupid here, my wife's appeal form IAFT-2 seems to have to be filled in online and sent to the UK with a copy of the appropriate documents. As in my wife's case here just a copy of her English test result. So I can do it from here then. And she can scan and send a copy via my PC to me . And would it be better for an oral interview?

    Many thanks

  16. #16
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    Oral hearing is better in my opinion as at least you get an opportunity to state your side.

  17. #17
    Respected Member grahame 1's Avatar
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    Sorry for seeming stupid my wife's appeal is sent to a UK address ? Even though she applied in the Philippines. I just want to make sure I do it right. If this is correct I am glad I will be doing it and not her

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    I have a thread link here that might be helpful. It's quite old now but the principles still apply.

    Yes the tribunal hearing will be in UK.....
    If it ever comes to that, you'll need to seriously consider engaging an advisor to help you

    Anyway, take a look here at this forum thread called Appeals - Visas and Entry Clearance

  19. #19
    Respected Member grahame 1's Avatar
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    I have had the best Christmas present ever. My wife had an email from the Embassy yesterday. It reads:

    Dear Mr Jenkins,

    Thank you for your email. We have reviewed the decision based upon your e-mail and it was refused incorrectly, we apologise.
    The decision has been overturned, please could the applicant submit her passport at the earliest opportunity so we can issue the visa.

    To say we are happy is an understatement.

    A big thank you to you Terpe for the advice and help. Many thanks again.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    I have had the best Christmas present ever. My wife had an email from the Embassy yesterday. It reads:

    Dear Mr Jenkins,

    Thank you for your email. We have reviewed the decision based upon your e-mail and it was refused incorrectly, we apologise.
    The decision has been overturned, please could the applicant submit her passport at the earliest opportunity so we can issue the visa.

    To say we are happy is an understatement.

    A big thank you to you Terpe for the advice and help. Many thanks again.
    Great news Grahame, well done

    Wonderful Christmas present for all....

    Just goes to show the level of incompetence within key areas of immigration.
    Decisions impacting peoples lives MUST be of the utmost quality..IMHO

    Anyways, congratulations ...... job well done

    Merry Christmas

  21. #21
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Nice to hear good news during the festive season, so pleased the outcome is good Grahame, a very happy Christmas and hope the forthcoming year is filled with good health and happiness also!

  22. #22
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Great news, marvellous Christmas present ... simply the best! And, of course, the fact it's been achieved under your "own steam" - on the strength of an email - must add to your festive delight!

  23. #23
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    I have had the best Christmas present ever. My wife had an email from the Embassy yesterday. It reads:

    Dear Mr Jenkins,

    Thank you for your email. We have reviewed the decision based upon your e-mail and it was refused incorrectly, we apologise.
    The decision has been overturned, please could the applicant submit her passport at the earliest opportunity so we can issue the visa.

    To say we are happy is an understatement.

    A big thank you to you Terpe for the advice and help. Many thanks again.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  24. #24
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    I have had the best Christmas present ever. My wife had an email from the Embassy yesterday. It reads:

    Dear Mr Jenkins,

    Thank you for your email. We have reviewed the decision based upon your e-mail and it was refused incorrectly, we apologise.
    The decision has been overturned, please could the applicant submit her passport at the earliest opportunity so we can issue the visa.

    To say we are happy is an understatement.

    A big thank you to you Terpe for the advice and help. Many thanks again.
    Congratulations Grahame 1, so glad thats all sorted out. Looks like another fil/brit couple for East sussex then!

  25. #25
    Respected Member grahame 1's Avatar
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    Well, my wife finally got her visa yesterday and her CFO sticker today and we are very happy. But we have had a very stressful time with the Embassy.

    My wife sent her passport back to the Embassy via VFS on the 27 Dec after her refusal decision had been overturned once I had pointed out their mistake on her English test result. Thinking it would be returned quickly, I was wrong. 20 days later - on the 16 Jan - my wife gets a phone call from the Embassy saying she had to go to Manila on the 27 Jan in person to pick up her passport and visa as there was a signature missing from her earlier visa application. On arriving at the Embassy she signed the paperwork, and then was told to come back the next day to pick up her passport and visa.

    So it has cost us an extra 18,000 pesos for air tickets, hotel stay, taxi fares and food. Plus, my wife took 2 days unpaid leave from work.

    Surely VFS should have noticed it was missing at the beginning - and why wasn't it mentioned on her visa refusal?

    My thoughts are, because I complained and some one got told off.

    I am going to send in a complaint to the Embassy once my wife has passed through immigration in the UK. Haha, rant over, my wife has her visa that's all that matters and we can now get on with our lives together.

  26. #26
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post

    I am going to send in a complaint to the Embassy once my wife has passed through immigration in the UK. Haha, rant over, my wife has her visa that's all that matters and we can now get on with our lives together.
    Quite right! I hope the incompetents responsible for these "cock~ups" receive a real rollicking ... along with their arses *kicked good 'n' proper (*metaphorically speaking) for the undue stress they've caused you & your wife in this instance.

    Trusting too, that an apology's in the offing.

  27. #27
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Well the good thing is, your biggest step has been taken and let's hope you have a happy life together, good luck in the future!

  28. #28
    Respected Member grahame 1's Avatar
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    Thanks Michael, flights all booked . i'm going out there on the 6 Feb and bringing my wife back on the 13 Feb. Haha she was complaining it was cloudy and cold in Cebu 26c. I told her it was 6c here. First job will be to get her some warm clothes.

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  30. #30
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahame 1 View Post
    Thanks Michael, flights all booked . i'm going out there on the 6 Feb and bringing my wife back on the 13 Feb. Haha she was complaining it was cloudy and cold in Cebu 26c. I told her it was 6c here. First job will be to get her some warm clothes.
    Yes Grahame, appropriate clothing is essential, my Maritess has never felt cold as such, in fact she rather enjoys the climate in UK and only lived here since June 2012. I hope your wife will also enjoy our climate and I imagine you will be very excited to see her, good luck!

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