Originally posted by ginapeterb@Dec 21 2005, 10:07 AM
hmm Paul, your wife may show her Filipino passport of course, but it means that you and your dependant child would be entitled to balikbayan visa privilidge, so if you wanted to stay for longer than 21 days, you are no longer required to visit the Phiilippine Embassy in L ondon to obtain a visitors visa in excess of the 21 days, i.e. the 59 day visa, which I had last year, you mut of course inform immigration at your port of arrival that you wish to avail yourself ot this privilidge, as it is called, (sounds like they think they are doing us a favour) but having said that, it just m eans that the foreign spouse...doesnt have to have a tourist visa, to visit his wifes country, which I think is much better than the procedure before.

Ok its worth knowing isnt it
Pete, I meant she won't have to try to persuade the numpties on immigration that she is entitled to a Balikbayan visa, as a 'former' Filipino citizen. If she just uses her Filipino passport it'll cut down on the potential 'challenges' that immigration could present, and that's worth its weight in gold I reckon.

Of course, if we go with her and she uses her Brit passport, we don't get the super-visa, just the three weeker. That's why I persuaded her to renew her PI passport instead of just tossing it in the garbage. :o I know it will have its uses some day.

I'm off to the PI on the 31st. That should be interesting, haven't been for nearly two years. Wonder what progress has been made.........