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Thread: Marriage separation Advice please Help me

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Marriage separation Advice please Help me

    Hi all, I just want to ask for advice of what to do. I'm a married Filipino woman with 4 boys aged 8-6-4-2 years of age and been married with my British husband since 2005 in Philippines and been living together since Feb 2003. I'm in ILR now my question is if our relationship comes to end and decide to separate would this be still Ok regarding about my visa status to stay here in UK? Would I have the right for my children to live me? Would I be able to get help from the Goverment and this like that? Would the UKBA will not cancel my visa as ILR? Please help me any advice thank you in advance

    Regards Belle

  2. #2
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belle29 View Post
    Hi all, I just want to ask for advice of what to do. I'm a married Filipino woman with 4 boys aged 8-6-4-2 years of age and been married with my British husband since 2005 in Philippines and been living together since Feb 2003. I'm in ILR now my question is if our relationship comes to end and decide to separate would this be still Ok regarding about my visa status to stay here in UK? Would I have the right for my children to live me? Would I be able to get help from the Goverment and this like that? Would the UKBA will not cancel my visa as ILR? Please help me any advice thank you in advance

    Regards Belle
    Hiya Belle once you have ILR you are free from any immigration ties and are free to live here in the UK with or without your husband.

    With ILR you can claim benefits from the government which you are fully entitled too without restrictions.

    Please do not worry about your visa being cancelled as this won't happen; also the length of time you have been living here and 4 sons who are British there would be no worries whatsoever.

    Just a little bit of advice from me, have you ever considered taking british citizenship as you are fully entitled to do so, this in itself is worth its weight in gold, ie: no messing about with other types of visa if you travel abroad and that elusive british passport.

    Good luck Belle and I am sure others on here will verify my advice...

  3. #3
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    Hi Belle,

    Sad to see you asking that question. Hope you'll find a way to settle everything in the best way.

    The information given by Mark is correct.
    You have ILR...Indefinite Leave to Remain. You currently have virtually the same rights as a British Citizen except that you cannot leave UK for 2 years or more. If you do you'll lose that ILR.
    Also until you become British Citizen you're not eligible for a British Passport.

    Your visa cannot be cancelled.
    You can legally claim whatever benefits/public funds you are entitled to without any concern.
    No-one here can give any legal confirmation on the questions relating to the children.....that's a question to be settled between you and your husband and in cases of disagreement also the courts.

    Hope everything turns out well.

  4. #4
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    Thanks guys for the advice, at least now I have knowledge to this matter. We're still together and trying to make our relationship work and I think it's working and also most of all I'm thinking more for my kids than my self so I will just stick to it and see what happen in the future.

    Thanks once again, Salamat!

  5. #5
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    Good luck, I hope it works out for you all....

  6. #6
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Hi Belle, at least give your Marriage a little longer, as long as there's no violence stick with it if you can, also don't make any spontaneous decision that you may regret later, good luck and hope everything works out for you and your family!

  7. #7
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    I agree with Michael. Try to work things out. Maybe both go and speak with an advisor at 'Relate'.

    Tragic when families are split.

    Good luck.

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