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Thread: Warning to all fillipino girls

  1. #1
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    Warning to all fillipino girls

    Let me tell you the story of my Filipino GF as a word of warning to others

    Kelly arrived in China on a letter of invitation from her Filipino friend ‘s (Maria) Chinese boyfriend Hu

    Kelly was promised a job in Hu’s hotel ( He claimed he was manager ) , could stay rent free in the house in her own room and have use of their car

    On arrival at Beijing, Maria & Hu picked up Kelly from airport in Taxi, their car had just been sold they claimed and we’re in the process of buying new one

    On arrival at apartment, no room free so she had to share with Maria & Hu

    Also Hu doesn’t have job

    When do I start work? She asks , “ Tonight but not hotel – you must work in bar to get customer to buy lady drinks” Hu reply

    “But what do I do for money? “ She asks , “ We take care of you food, room, clothes you not need money” she’s told

    “What about visa I only get 14 days ?” “Later we can talk about that” she’s told

    A few days later they take her passport to get a visa and then next day hit her with an itemised bill

    Airfare $1000
    Accommodation $1000
    Visa $1000
    Food $1000

    She must pay this or they will hold onto her passport!!!!

    “How do I pay this” she cries, they say” earn money by going with customers and getting barfines” ( money customer pays bar to take the girl from it – girl get 50%)

    She cannot do this she’s a good catholic girl

    Around this time I meet Kelly, she doesn’t tell me whole story at first but later she does

    I tell her go to police – go to your embassy. Tell them what happen

    Hu tells her if she goes to the police they put Kelly in jail for 1 year plus

    She scared.

    This goes on for a few months, till I contact Hu and tell him I go police – I not believe Kelly will go to jail

    He panics and agrees to give passport to lawyer who will sort out lack of visa etc

    I contact Lawyer later to arrange meeting – He wants $5000 to return passport.

    It turns out Hu “sold” him Kelly’s passport!!

    Later we find out he’s Mafia and has the police in his pocket – So we are stuffed

    Hu now also bring another girl from Phills to China – Alice

    Hits Alice with the same deal

    Fast forward a couple months and we’re still in limbo, there’s been many request from Hu – send money to go visit lawyer, must buy plane ticket before lawyer give passport, must pay entrance to airport etc

    Now Hu wants she works in massage hotel as hostess – to do what use your imagination – He tells her she must service 3 clients a day 6 days a week

    I cannot allow this or let this happen so 1 agree to pay lawyer $2000 but he will only deal with Hu – I not allowed in office

    Hu gets back passport from lawyer and then demands $1000 for his time.

    She decides to run away from apartment with Alice

    With a help of my friend we find then a room in a cheap hotel , not long have they checked into their room when there is a knock at the door – it’s the police . The manager called them because they couldn’t show passports

    I wont bore you with details of what happened at police station but gist of it is a $70 per day fine for overstay and police demand they leave china ASAP.

    Police also go to arrest Hu but he flees apartment and sends their passport to Phills embassy (not sure in panic , remorse or to get rid of evidence)

    1 week of anxious waiting and calling embassy every day – Kelly and Alice get their passports back

    Next day they book flights and fly home to Phills

    She arrive home with just $100 dollars in her pocket , but how much money we need to spend to get her home , probably $5000

    So any of girls out there that get lured by claims of making P100,000 per month working in Hotels in China – It’s a scam and if I hadn’t met Kelly god alone knows what might of happened to her

    Or if any girls stuck in this situation in China - go tell your story to police , only they can help you

  2. #2
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    Unfortunately human trafficking still goes on.

    It is nothing else than modern day sex slavery.

    It is the abject poverty that drives many people to risk that little that they have, in the hope of a brighter future for them and their family.
    So lots of easy prey, wether in the Far east, Eastern Europe, African countries, etc.

    Traffickers should be lined against a wall and have 1 limb shot off at a the time, until bled to death, no recourse to appeals.

    If it sounds too good to be true, ladies, it usually ain't.

  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    did u ever meet her in china?

    how did u meet kelly?

    sounds like a copy of a africa scammer to me,being stuck in a hotel and needs help ie money!

    doesnt this usually happen to the poor chinese coming to the uk?

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    sorry to hear about what happened to ur gf least she is safe now back in the Phils..

    Rom is right, better think a hundred times if its sounds to good to be true..
    I remember Mom told me, "When in doubt,don't!"

    God Bless to u and ur gf..

  5. #5
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    is stuartfarm and frankuk the same person ha? i am so confused?!

  6. #6
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    i am confused now who is talking..

    can somebody pls help me..:(

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    im glad im not the only one who is confused mommi kimmi

  8. #8
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    so is there anybody who would better explain to us who's the real person in here tommi?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    well it looks like stuartfarm is still online ... i hope he can read this kimmi

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    is stuartfarm and frankuk the same person ha? i am so confused?!

    On the evidence shown, it appears to be case.

    On both counts...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    haha! how sardonic!
    indeed, i thought that having 2 usernames on here wasn't hmmm the done thing!?

  12. #12
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    i just wondered why do he have two accounts?and it makes us confuse..

    can Boss Keith help us with this one?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    i'm sure admin keith won't take too long to do so

  14. #14
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    i agree with u tommi..

    its just hard talking to a person with two identities, u do not know who are u talking..i thought only Mark has a twin here but same names..he he he

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    i just wondered why do he have two accounts?and it makes us confuse..

    can Boss Keith help us with this one?
    Maybe he wanted to post something anonimously, and not having to be associated with it, in case his Mrs asks questions....

    And then when he logged on with his real ID, he forgot to change it, when replying to the various posts.

    But this is a free society, and as long you keep within the laws of the land (its a joke nowadays, I know), theoretically you can do what you want.

    And as this is a very democratic site, Keith will sort out out any discrepancies and dish out any rollockings due....

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    beautiful belfast-now/beautiful bayawan-future!
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    its ok to us mate, we just got proper confused hahaha!

  17. #17
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    its ok stuartfarm...oooppps sorry it should be Frank..just got confuse..

    since its a free society as what Aromulus says, its long as ur not doing anything against the law..

    just be careful next time, make sure u have change ur username before u reply..he he he

  18. #18
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    I understand ur situation but I guess if u really want to protect the identity of ur gf soon to be wife ud better not put her real name here or even her friend..

    I am also a filipina and i know how is life here..

  19. #19
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    Horrible situation - I had a friend in a similar position in Germany a few years ago. Tried to get her into the UK but failed. Luckily she still had her passport so I got her flown back to Thailand. She still felt that she woed the people who flew her to Germany the money, but I warned her not to pay. They made various threats then went away.

    I know its easy with hindsight, but wouldn't it be better for her to come with you to Phil. embassy and claim she had lost her passport?

    Its good to hear that in the UK there are at last plans to treat sex traficked women more fairly.


  20. #20
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Hey Stuartfarm no one on here will think anything bad of you both, but hopefully mr admin can delete or alter the posts for the sake of the ladies involved.

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