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Thread: Birmingham Newspaper promotes the spread of HIV in UK

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Birmingham Newspaper promotes the spread of HIV in UK

    We name the Tory MPs trying to ban immigrants with HIV from settling in Britain
    30 Jan 2014 13:24

    Return of the nasty party? Below we list the Tory MPs who want laws banning people with HIV from settling in the UK.

    Here are the 18 Conservative backbenchers sponsoring an amendment to the Government’s Immigration Bill, which is currently being debated in Parliament, giving the Home Secretary power to ban anyone from receiving permission to stay or settle in the UK if they carry a “prescribed pathogen” including HIV, Hepatitis B or “such other pathogens as the Secretary of State may prescribe”

    A disgraceful article - perhaps this rag is from the same stable as the Guardian ?

  2. #2
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Presumably this would mean ALL applicants wishing to settle or visit the UK will need to be reliably screened to ensure they are not carrying "a prescribed pathogen". If this is the case the cost of entering the UK will be set to rise probably astronomically in order to cover the cost of screening. Yet again the the vast majority without any pathogens will have to bear the increased cost to stop the minority with pathogens entering the UK. What is the real purpose of this proposed amendment as it seems to me not very well thought through.

    Personally speaking it also seems very wrong to me to deny access to the UK to people based on their health and the statement "such other pathogens as the secretary of state may prescribe" would seem to give the government "carte-blanche" to introduce what they like based on a persons health.
    It seems very unlikely to me that those carrying HIV, Hepatitis B or other are a great risk to the UK population so what is behind this? Hopefully the Doc is back online and can give us his veiws on this.

  3. #3
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    Any costs associated with protecting the settled UK population from nasties should be levied on all those wishing to emigrate here including those from the EU, Eastern Bloc, Commonwealth etc etc

    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    It seems very unlikely to me that those carrying HIV, Hepatitis B or other are a great risk to the UK population so what is behind this?
    Why shouldn't we deny access to people carrying deadly diseases aside from the burden on the taxpayer from health tourism there is a considerable risk of spreading the conditions, virus's etc to the general public. Keep 'em out

  4. #4
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Any costs associated with protecting the settled UK population from nasties should be levied on all those wishing to emigrate here including those from the EU, Eastern Bloc, Commonwealth etc etc
    I believe the costs would be disproportionate to the benefit of protecting the UK population from what is obviously a minority. There can't be many with HIV, Hepatitis B etc wanting to enter the UK in the first place. Don't forget your list also includes Filipino's trying to come here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Why shouldn't we deny access to people carrying deadly diseases aside from the burden on the taxpayer from health tourism there is a considerable risk of spreading the conditions, virus's etc to the general public. Keep 'em out
    I think "the burden on the taxpayer from health tourism" is actually negligible and may have been quoted in another thread. As to the "considerable risk of spreading the conditions, virus's to the general public", I think is also overstated but hopefully other forum members may be able to provide the figures (Doc Alan?)

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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Don't forget your list also includes Filipino's trying to come here.
    I'm not bothered TBH why should wanting to come to our once great country be a freebie. I consider myself a safe steady driver but that doesn't prevent a hefty chunk of my insurance premium offsetting all the maniacs and uninsured Eastern Europeans.

    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    I think "the burden on the taxpayer from health tourism" is actually negligible and may have been quoted in another thread. As to the "considerable risk of spreading the conditions, virus's to the general public",
    Countries in Africa are rife with AIDS and if they're not jumping off the back of a lorry in Dover they are stepping off a plane at Heathrow and taking a cab ride to London Teaching Hospitals.

    Am I morally wrong in believing that diseased individuals should be refused entry to this country on public health grounds ? Surely I must have some sort of human right to be protected from imported disease ?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Am I morally wrong in believing that diseased individuals should be refused entry to this country on public health grounds ?
    Yes, I believe so. And it appears that only 18 MPs share your view.

    Lordna, good posts.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    Yes, I believe so. And it appears that only 18 MPs share your view.

    Lordna, good posts.
    I hope you have a long and healthy life and are never denied hospital treatment because the place was full of foreign parasites abusing the system

  8. #8
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    I agree Dedworth, why should my taxes go towards looking after someone who has just landed in the UK with some disease....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Longweekend View Post
    I agree Dedworth, why should my taxes go towards looking after someone who has just landed in the UK with some disease....
    Some people think it's money well spent

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    Am I morally wrong in believing that diseased individuals should be refused entry to this country on public health grounds? Surely I must have some sort of human right to be protected from imported disease ?
    , Ded ... you're spot on!

    Without wishing to enter into yet ANOTHER political debate, I believe ANY elected Government "worth its salt" has a moral - if not legal - obligation to protect its public against the risk of disease being imported and/or spread from foreign countries.

    one hundred percent with Dedworth. Frankly, I'm shocked and appalled at the mere thought of any sane individual believing otherwise! Likewise, at the incredible lack of support for such an unusually sensible Government proposal.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Frankly, I'm shocked and appalled at the mere thought of any sane individual believing otherwise !
    There's nowt so queer as folk Arthur

  12. #12
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    Why we should screen immigrants for HIV and hepatitis B

    The menace of blood-borne infection requires stronger countermeasures

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