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Thread: Australia to deport "asylum seekers" who spit, swear or “irritate people”

  1. #1
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    Australia to deport "asylum seekers" who spit, swear or “irritate people”

    Tony Abbott threatens to deport asylum seekers who swear

    Australia’s prime minister threatens to deport asylum seekers who spit, swear or “irritate people”

    Tony Abbott, Australia’s prime minister, has been accused of creating a “climate of terror” for asylum seekers after introducing a code of behaviour which threatens to deport those who swear, spit, irritate people or spread rumours.

    Mr Abbott’s government revealed in December that asylum seekers who arrive by boat and are in Australia on temporary visas would have to sign a new code of conduct that bans harassment, bullying and disruptive behaviour.

    Now a draft set of rules, leaked to refugee advocates, spells out the precise requirements for asylum seekers, saying they must not “irritate” people, “disturb someone”, spit or swear in public, or “spread rumours… or exclude someone from a group or place on purpose”.

    “Antisocial means an action that is against the order of society,” the document says.

    “This may include damaging property, spitting or swearing in public or other actions that other people might find offensive. Disruptive means to cause disorder or to disturb someone or something.”

    Way to go Tony ! Treat them like the scum they are

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    wow, why cant we do that

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