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Thread: 3 D SECURE failure

  1. #1
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    3 D SECURE failure

    I did a transfer with pnb Europe last Tuesday, after entering details, with pnb for the transfer, the 3d secure normaly pops up,

    well it didn't it failed to load so I never got to enter my security numbers,

    the money has been taken from my uk bank and is now with pnb Europe, but hasn't been forwarded to my beneficiary,

    it says, failure accured before 3d autherization ,

    I double checked my uk bank online to confirm that it has been taken,

    I emailed pnb Europe, automated reply saying they will get back to me within 24 to 48 hours, as yet no reply,

    I have no landline and to phone them pnb Europe or my bank, is going to be a pain and costly using pay as u go mobile load,

    would I be right to my way of thinking that my uk bank should not have let my money go to pnb Europe without that 3d secure authorization

    anyway any advice on how I should go about this,

    should pnb return it back to my bank ?

    should my bank be the responsible party to recover or authorize the 3d secure part so the transfer can be completed

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Rant begins.
    Ive had no end of problems regarding UK banks and to talking to Indians in India telling me I need to go to my local UK branch as they have blocked my access to MY money etc etc..

    Any dealings I have with banks in the UK is done via Skype.. Cheap calls but you will need to load your Skype account in the UK!

    Welcome to my world..I dont know the answer to your question so I`ll just shut up now!!
    Rant over.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    methinks, 3d secure might not always appear (it doesn't always when i pay council tax online) and might be the reason why its gone from your bank, as it gone from your bank pnb must have it.

    i only ever had one problem with pnb, i sent the misses a lot of money once and she didn't get it, the money had gone from my bank, and i phoned pnb they claimed they never got it, my bank told me they must have it, after getting messed round for a while, the bank told me they could put a trace on the money, i told pnb that, and guess what they found it , but the credited my misses bank account twice, but took half of it back b4 the misses could take the lot

    anyway if you don't get an email response from pnb, can someone in the UK phone them on your behalf or pretend to be you or get a cheap international calling card

  4. #4
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    A long time ago I complained about this feature. I was always getting problems with this 3D secure thing... Now I don't get this at all on any website I purchase things from.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Never heard of 3D secure, what is it?

  6. #6
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Never heard of 3D secure, what is it?
    3d secure is a security pop up from your bank and you enter password, it is supposed to be extra security when you purchase something online, it is supposed to make sure it is you making the transaction purchase.

  7. #7
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    well bank transfer all sorted and correct,

    the problem for 3d secure failure is something to do with the settings I think on internet explore, as I had yet another 3d secure failure, when it fails that part of the web page where it is supposed to pop up instead what comes up is internet explore unable to display,,,, I checked for blocked pop ups but that is ok,

    im on windows 8 using internet explore,

    I have had 2 successful remiitences with no problems on lolitas lap top using vista and firefox browser,

    anyone have any idea what I should be troubleshooting in the settings for my windows 8 in internet explore ?

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