Originally Posted by
Well that date seems a long way off now, thats the date i joined this site and wow look whats happened in those short few years,
Finding someone to fall in love with, going to the Philippines for the first time ever, getting engaged, bringing someone to England and marrying that person, it just shows how fast time can go by.
This is going to be my 10,000 post so i wanted it to be special.
I have spoken and have written to many people some i hope are friends, others have moved on to new pastures, some i have even met from this forum and i hope to meet again in the near future too.
All the new people who are starting out and are seeking advice on what to do and how to do it try to stay on this site it will help you and maybe in return you too could help others who come on behind you.
Thankyou Keith for starting this site i often wonder what gave you the idea and did you think it would go this far, so again thanks and thanks for all who has stood by me and has helped me become who i am, a very contented and lucky man to have my beautiful partner/wife, Emma.