Is there such a thing over in the phils,
I am looking at ways to help and support my father in law, he is a very fit man and is still working, but what will happen once he cannot work anymore, no work no income.

He has a little savings and his own house too.

So what can we do to help,

We have started a savings plan, we put money away each month and this will grow over the time while we are both here in the uk, the plan is to have so much money in there and then when the time comes to drip feed into his account when he needs it.

To me its safe here and i can see how much is in there too, rather than send the money over now and it may then get lost into things that are not wanted or to be borrowed out and never be seen again.

My only worry is the exchange rate, its very good now, it may be really rubbish when the time comes in say 5 years time, or it may be fantastic then, someone once said you have to convert the money to where you are living so any thoughts or better ideas would be welcomed too