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Thread: P45 questions

  1. #1
    Respected Member smileyangel's Avatar
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    P45 questions

    Hi everyone! I’m here to ask about my P45, just got it last week after waiting for more than a month. As we (me and my hubby)are so disappointed with the decision made by my employer to the formal grievance I raised against my one colleague at work so I decided to just leave even if they still wanted me to come back as they say I am a good worker and a valuable employee.
    My questions are:
    1. My title in my P45 was entered as Mrs, although the surname/family name they put is my last name when I am still single. Would it be a problem?
    2. My first name is typed incorrectly instead of letter E they put letter A. How can I change it?
    We assumed they followed what was written in my passport instead of the one I am using now wherein I added the last name of my husband with my last name when I am still single. Are we right? For immigration purposes perhaps? Definitely though, the spelling of my first name needs to be corrected. Should we contact HMRC (if so, can someone give us the link as we have trouble finding it) or should we contact my employer instead for them to do it for me as they are the one who processed it anyway?
    Please help us! Thanks in advance.
    Best regards.

  2. #2
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    Technically, your employer should send a letter to HMRC, with a copy to you, detailing the errors.

    Your ex-employer must not issue any duplicate.

    If you don't trust your ex-employer you might try informing HMRC by contacting them yourself but only after informing your ex-employers of the mistakes made.

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  3. #3
    Respected Member smileyangel's Avatar
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    Thank you very much for your help as always Sir Peter! Yeah! We will inform my ex-employer first before informing the HMRC. Oh dear, why can't they (ex-employer)do things right up to the end?


  4. #4
    Respected Member smileyangel's Avatar
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    Thanks again Sir, I really appreciate your reply to my thread. We’re just so upset with my ex-employer as they can’t do things right even up to the last time. Just let me share some part of the story of what happened.
    I put up a grievance against my ex co-worker for bullying, racist comments & belittling and yet they didn’t do anything about it, to think he had some history of his bad attitude towards his co-worker before. They just tried manipulating me during the meeting and thinking it was just banter between us. How can you say it was just bantering if you have been singled out? Even to the minutes of the meeting they didn’t put all the important things that could help my case. Without their knowledge, I recorded the 2 meetings we had so that my husband can hear all about it, and he said I did well in the meeting, that’s why he was very upset when we got the copy of the minutes. They made me sound worst in it and said things that should not be mentioned as it is my grievance not his, my husband even said they could not even put their grammars right. In the end, I did not sign any of it till I resigned. They liked me to reconsider my resignation even if I told them that it is effective immediately (as I believe I can leave straight away since I am just in a zero-hour contract.)
    Oh! That made me think of one more question please if you don’t mind. In my P45 they put my leaving date into 31 January 2014 but technically I resigned 9 Dec 2013 and they gave me a chance to reconsider it till 20 December 2013. Would it be a problem? tax wise or when I go to the Jobcentre perhaps?
    At the moment, I am just busy studying Life in the UK and will book for the test soon.
    Thank you very much again Sir Peter, you are indeed a real asset of this forum.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by smileyangel View Post
    ..... In my P45 they put my leaving date into 31 January 2014 but technically I resigned 9 Dec 2013 and they gave me a chance to reconsider it till 20 December 2013. Would it be a problem? tax wise or when I go to the Jobcentre perhaps? ...
    Hopefully you'll 'get paid' anything owed to you right up to 31 January? (Although I understand that zero hours contracts work a little differently)
    In your specific case there'll be no overlaps on dates since you'll have a gap in between leaving and starting employments. Just be sure that the total pay and tax etc are recorded correctly and in line with your payslips for the current tax year.

  6. #6
    Respected Member smileyangel's Avatar
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    Thanks again for all your help

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