Let me tell you the story of my Filipino GF as a word of warning to others

Kelly arrived in China on a letter of invitation from her Filipino friend ‘s (Maria) Chinese boyfriend Hu

Kelly was promised a job in Hu’s hotel ( He claimed he was manager ) , could stay rent free in the house in her own room and have use of their car

On arrival at Beijing, Maria & Hu picked up Kelly from airport in Taxi, their car had just been sold they claimed and we’re in the process of buying new one

On arrival at apartment, no room free so she had to share with Maria & Hu

Also Hu doesn’t have job

When do I start work? She asks , “ Tonight but not hotel – you must work in bar to get customer to buy lady drinks” Hu reply

“But what do I do for money? “ She asks , “ We take care of you food, room, clothes you not need money” she’s told

“What about visa I only get 14 days ?” “Later we can talk about that” she’s told

A few days later they take her passport to get a visa and then next day hit her with an itemised bill

Airfare $1000
Accommodation $1000
Visa $1000
Food $1000

She must pay this or they will hold onto her passport!!!!

“How do I pay this” she cries, they say” earn money by going with customers and getting barfines” ( money customer pays bar to take the girl from it – girl get 50%)

She cannot do this she’s a good catholic girl

Around this time I meet Kelly, she doesn’t tell me whole story at first but later she does

I tell her go to police – go to your embassy. Tell them what happen

Hu tells her if she goes to the police they put Kelly in jail for 1 year plus

She scared.

This goes on for a few months, till I contact Hu and tell him I go police – I not believe Kelly will go to jail

He panics and agrees to give passport to lawyer who will sort out lack of visa etc

I contact Lawyer later to arrange meeting – He wants $5000 to return passport.

It turns out Hu “sold” him Kelly’s passport!!

Later we find out he’s Mafia and has the police in his pocket – So we are stuffed

Hu now also bring another girl from Phills to China – Alice

Hits Alice with the same deal

Fast forward a couple months and we’re still in limbo, there’s been many request from Hu – send money to go visit lawyer, must buy plane ticket before lawyer give passport, must pay entrance to airport etc

Now Hu wants she works in massage hotel as hostess – to do what use your imagination – He tells her she must service 3 clients a day 6 days a week

I cannot allow this or let this happen so 1 agree to pay lawyer $2000 but he will only deal with Hu – I not allowed in office

Hu gets back passport from lawyer and then demands $1000 for his time.

She decides to run away from apartment with Alice

With a help of my friend we find then a room in a cheap hotel , not long have they checked into their room when there is a knock at the door – it’s the police . The manager called them because they couldn’t show passports

I wont bore you with details of what happened at police station but gist of it is a $70 per day fine for overstay and police demand they leave china ASAP.

Police also go to arrest Hu but he flees apartment and sends their passport to Phills embassy (not sure in panic , remorse or to get rid of evidence)

1 week of anxious waiting and calling embassy every day – Kelly and Alice get their passports back

Next day they book flights and fly home to Phills

She arrive home with just $100 dollars in her pocket , but how much money we need to spend to get her home , probably $5000

So any of girls out there that get lured by claims of making P100,000 per month working in Hotels in China – It’s a scam and if I hadn’t met Kelly god alone knows what might of happened to her

Or if any girls stuck in this situation in China - go tell your story to police , only they can help you