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Thread: Visa required for Phillippines? (Irish Citizen)

  1. #1
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Visa required for Phillippines? (Irish Citizen)

    Hi guys,

    hope all is well

    im going across to Manila in April to meet with my girlfriend, after 6 months apart.

    I am an Irish citizen, living here in the UK since 2 years already.

    Google says I don't need a visa (since I am staying for only 14 days i.e. < 30 days).

    I am just looking for confirmation from you guys on this.

    Will I need to fill out anything at the airport for this trip (be it here in the UK, or in Manila)?

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    you still need a visa but its easy to get one on arrival at manila ,i,m not sure on cost but its pretty cheap so don,t worry m8

  3. #3
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    You may enter the Philippines without a visa, as you plan to stay only 14 days. On arrival at the airport they will give you a 30 day tourist visa free of charge. If for some reason you decide to stay longer there is no problem extending your visa.

    The airline will check to see if you have a onward bound ticket from the Philippines, as immigration may want to see it.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jake View Post
    You may enter the Philippines without a visa, as you plan to stay only 14 days. On arrival at the airport they will give you a 30 day tourist visa free of charge. If for some reason you decide to stay longer there is no problem extending your visa.

    The airline will check to see if you have a onward bound ticket from the Philippines, as immigration may want to see it.

    eddiek, Here's chapter and verse from the Philippine Embassy in London:-

    ....29 July 2013 – Beginning 01 August 2013, nationals from 151 countries – including the UK and Ireland – with visa-free privilege can stay in the Philippines for up to 30 days from the previous period of 21 days.

    ...........“This move will hopefully encourage more tourists and investors to visit and stay in the Philippines by removing the need for them to report to immigration offices for a stay of up to a month. It will also give them more flexibility in planning and managing their schedules,” said Assistant Secretary Jaime Victor Ledda of the Office of Consular Affairs.

    Qualified foreign nationals who intend to avail of the visa-free privilege only need to present a national passport valid for at least six (6) months beyond the contemplated stay, as well as a return ticket to the country of origin or onward ticket to the next country of destination.

    The Philippine Embassy in London

  5. #5
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    thanks guys, my question has been answered, have a great weekend ahead

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