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Thread: tb testing at the iom....advice needed ugently!!

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  1. #1
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    tb testing at the iom....advice needed ugently!!

    hi guys, my wife few days ago had her tb test at the iom manila, well she did not pass and she did fail, the x-ray shows a small spot on one of her lungs,...she seems to think its down to a chest infection she and I have had since December, but she could not take any antibiotic due to her been 9 months pregnant at that time...

    my question is the doctor there advised her to make another 3 day appointment to have a spectrum test, which I know she will pass, the only problem is, we will have to wait 10 to 12 weeks for the results...I am flying back in 3 weeks, hoping to file our visa application....what should we do

    should see go see her doctor, get some antibiotic and have tb screening again maybe a local hospital, to make sure everything is clear before we go back to the iom....or something else....has any one else had the this wife informed me, a lot of people on that day had the same problem...


  2. #2
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    I’m sorry your wife failed her test.

    The “ iom manila “ ( International Organisation for Migration Health Centre in Makati City ) is at present the ONLY clinic approved by the UK Border Agency for pre-entry TB testing.

    TB may be hard to diagnose ( or rule out ) and chest X Ray may not be the only test needed, especially if – as in your wife’s case – it shows an abnormality which may or may not be due to TB. The abnormality could be due to a chest infection by another “ bug “, or something else, like a scar from previous infection.

    The “ spectrum test “ which you say you know she will pass, is - I guess - a sputum ( phlegm / spit ) test, where infecting bugs including that causing TB are looked for under the microscope. They can be hard to find, which is why the sputum is “ cultured “ for several weeks, then the culture is examined microscopically and if a bug is identified, the correct antibiotic(s) prescribed. There is a more rapid test, which may not yet be available at the Makati Clinic. In the case of TB, treatment usually takes at least 6 months, involving four different antibiotics.

    Your suggestion of your wife seeing her doctor, getting “ some antibiotic “ and having TB screening at a local hospital, might, hopefully cure her chest infection if it’s not due to TB, and improve the X-Ray appearances. However, the TB test certificate must be issued by the Makati Clinic to be accepted by UKBA.

  3. #3
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    hi, first thing....she never failed....I said there was a spot, I was wrong it was a abnormality, and she's been told told to come back for a spectrum test.

    thanks for all the info, but I knew every thing you said, I know its just a chest infection, cause she had a x-ray 2 years ago, when we were in a car crash, also there's no signs and symptoms with tb with I said in the above msg, we both have chest infection caught from our son, coughing up phlegm only.....I forgot to say she has had a bcg jab when she was younger..

    but what I want to know is about the spectrum test, has any one else done it on here, and what was there outcome, any advice etc...


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by will1927 View Post question is the doctor there advised her to make another 3 day appointment to have a spectrum test, which I know she will pass, the only problem is, we will have to wait 10 to 12 weeks for the results...I am flying back in 3 weeks, hoping to file our visa application....what should we do
    You know already that your choices are limited.
    You know already that a visa application cannot be submitted without a 'clear' result certificate from the UKBA approved clinic.
    Do be aware that the all-clear certificate is valid only for 6 months.

    There has not been many members who have been unable to secure an 'all clear' despite some explainable abnormalities.

    Some folks have needed a sputum test. Those that followed up reported needing a course of anti-biotics for quite some time.
    As I recall they were advised to follow a minimum 6 month treatment before being allowed to re-apply for TB certificate.
    They need to provide evidence of having been successfully treated in addition to being certified free of TB infection.

    Sorry I really can't remember their names. The last case I knew about the wife was clear but the child was not. Very unfortunate.

  5. #5
    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    thanks guys thanks for your input, sorry its sputum test not a spectrum test..... yes I know that she need to have all clear and yes I know she needs the all clear certificate before we can apply for the we are going to do the sputum test when I get back in 2 weeks, hopefully she will be allowed to change the date from 10th to 26th and take it from there. hopefully she will pass but if she doesn't, its 6 months treatment before we can apply

    found this interesting read about it..



  6. #6
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    Sorry, but I tried to help, by responding immediately after my return from the Philippines, to your first post, in which you said “ she did not pass and she did fail “. Now in your second post you said “ she never failed “.

    It’s reassuring that you claim to know “ everything I have said “. In that case you will be well aware that the diagnosis of TB can be very difficult, as there may be NO signs and symptoms apart from general features like tiredness, weight loss, and fever. While about 3/5 cases involve the lungs not all have the “ classical “ chronic cough with bloodstained sputum ; and ANY other organ ( such as enlarged lymph nodes / " glands " ) or body system may be involved.

    As for the “ spectrum test “, I’m again sorry to say that I am unaware of this test so can’t help you further. With respect, I am sure it is a sputum test, as explained in my first response.

    Terpe is quite correct in his recollection that TB must be treated for at least 6 months – with the correct combination of genuine antibiotics. Indeed it’s dangerous to the patient and contacts of the patient if they DON’T have the right treatment, as that encourages resistant strains of the TB bug.

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