I’m sorry your wife failed her test.
The “ iom manila “ ( International Organisation for Migration Health Centre in Makati City ) is at present the ONLY clinic approved by the UK Border Agency for pre-entry TB testing.
TB may be hard to diagnose ( or rule out ) and chest X Ray may not be the only test needed, especially if – as in your wife’s case – it shows an abnormality which may or may not be due to TB. The abnormality could be due to a chest infection by another “ bug “, or something else, like a scar from previous infection.
The “ spectrum test “ which you say you know she will pass, is - I guess - a sputum ( phlegm / spit ) test, where infecting bugs including that causing TB are looked for under the microscope. They can be hard to find, which is why the sputum is “ cultured “ for several weeks, then the culture is examined microscopically and if a bug is identified, the correct antibiotic(s) prescribed. There is a more rapid test, which may not yet be available at the Makati Clinic. In the case of TB, treatment usually takes at least 6 months, involving four different antibiotics.
Your suggestion of your wife seeing her doctor, getting “ some antibiotic “ and having TB screening at a local hospital, might, hopefully cure her chest infection if it’s not due to TB, and improve the X-Ray appearances. However, the TB test certificate must be issued by the Makati Clinic to be accepted by UKBA.