Sorry, but I tried to help, by responding immediately after my return from the Philippines, to your first post, in which you said “ she did not pass and she did fail “. Now in your second post you said “ she never failed “.

It’s reassuring that you claim to know “ everything I have said “. In that case you will be well aware that the diagnosis of TB can be very difficult, as there may be NO signs and symptoms apart from general features like tiredness, weight loss, and fever. While about 3/5 cases involve the lungs not all have the “ classical “ chronic cough with bloodstained sputum ; and ANY other organ ( such as enlarged lymph nodes / " glands " ) or body system may be involved.

As for the “ spectrum test “, I’m again sorry to say that I am unaware of this test so can’t help you further. With respect, I am sure it is a sputum test, as explained in my first response.

Terpe is quite correct in his recollection that TB must be treated for at least 6 months – with the correct combination of genuine antibiotics. Indeed it’s dangerous to the patient and contacts of the patient if they DON’T have the right treatment, as that encourages resistant strains of the TB bug.