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Thread: who here is in a long distance relationship?

  1. #31
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    You'll have to google a few sites for current prices, but I'd recommend not throwing too much stuff out, as I've certainly regretted having done so in the past.

    Certainly cheaper than paying for an empty property (and no worries about it while you're away).

    Think carefully about how easy it will be to find alternative accommodation when you return home though, and whether any of these alterations to your circumstances will affect any future or current visa applications.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    Over the past 24 years I have lost track of how many times I've bought and sold houses, put my possessions into store, changed my job, moved countries, come home with nowhere to stay except some cheap hostel or a friend's spare room...all in the interests of maintaining a LDR or a marriage.

    ive just had an hour on FBook with my fiancee. the last 4 weeks have flown by --for me. the lease on my flat is up in may--i could be tempted to but my junk into storage and fly out there for a while. it would save me about £750 a month in rent and c-tax--plus utilities. i bet that would go a lot further out there

    has anyone got a ball park figure for furniture storage costs ? or is it easier just to stick the lot in an auction room ?
    Sounds like your working on a plan there bigmac

    Can't help you with storage costs in your area but I can tell you that prices do vary aint cheap.

    We have a place close to us that uses standard containers for storage and charge a Pay As You Go £30 per week per container.
    Using some of the self-storage units may offer better facilities and security etc but will probably be priced as such.
    Whether it's a cost benefit depends on the replacement costs of the furniture you already have.
    You need to consider any special storage environments and also any insurance.

    Take note also of the advice given by Graham.
    I too have fallen into the 'trap' of getting rid of everything and then discovered the real cost of replacing.......

  3. #33
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    and whether any of these alterations to your circumstances will affect any future or current visa applications.

    yes--as i understand it--at the visa application stage--i have to show proof of a tenancy agreement--with both of us named----with a minimum of 6 months still to run.

    so--if i did vacate--sort furniture storage/disposal--then fly out for a few weeks honeymoon-on-account--then--come back at the time she applies for the visa--and sign up a new tenancy. could be the way to go.

    for what its worth--all my gear is no more than 6 years old--some i bought for this gaff--total cost--around £3000---mostly argos. so--its now worth about sixpence. kitchen white goods already gone to a friend in need--this place is all built in.

  4. #34
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    Mate, it's worth what it would cost to replace. Don't fall into that trap.

    My tip: Get rid of bulky furniture or LOAN it out to friends or relations....probably halve your storage space needs. Don't rent a locker/unit bigger than you need. It's amazing how much you can cram in. Practice in your smallest bedroom, to give you an idea. Most standard units are around 8 feet high, so stuff can be stacked up.

    Make sure there is 24 hr access, so when you've just got off that plane, jetlagged, and you want your transistor radio and those comfortable shoes, you can just go in and get them.

    Here's a bit of useful info':

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Mate, it's worth what it would cost to replace. Don't fall into that trap.

    My tip: Get rid of bulky furniture or LOAN it out to friends or relations....probably halve your storage space needs. Don't rent a locker/unit bigger than you need. It's amazing how much you can cram in. Practice in your smallest bedroom, to give you an idea. Most standard units are around 8 feet high, so stuff can be stacked up.

    Make sure there is 24 hr access, so when you've just got off that plane, jetlagged, and you want your transister radio and those comfortable shoes, you can just go in and get them.

    Here's a bit of useful info':

    thanks for that--good advice. i think--on reflection--the cost of moving out--storage--moving in tends to negate the cost of renting yet leaving unoccupied.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmac View Post
    Over the past 24 years I have lost track of how many times I've bought and sold houses, put my possessions into store, changed my job, moved countries, come home with nowhere to stay except some cheap hostel or a friend's spare room...all in the interests of maintaining a LDR or a marriage.
    That's a mighty big price to pay. It's been bad enough going through it 8 years, let alone 24 of them.

    I'm sure my wiser parents wouldn't of approved neither would I if my children did the same thing.
    What do you do. .you hopefully learn from experience.

    LDR was awful. ..I nearly lost my job with my last relationship. We met online December 6 2008. I went out to see her in the January for a 3 week holiday, I ended up staying til March. I was out there again in the June , that time I only stayed 3 weeks. ...out again in the October, staying until she had the spouse visa in the December. We arrived as a married couple exactly a year to the day we met December 6 2009. Less approximately 23k spent in that period.

    I can safely say, a LDR isn't for me.

  7. #37
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    How much has it 'cost' me (had I stayed single) ?

    About 300 grand.

    Life is for living. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, etc.

  8. #38
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    i must say iv enjoyed reading some posts on this thread.

    I agree 100% with graham on all of his points, especially that relating to the idea of LDR requiring a lot of effort, and the need for both parties willing to compromise in order to finally be together.

    From my experience, LDR is much more feasible in today's world, where smartphones, and good mobile data network coverage can be had both in the UK and in the Philippines.

    At the end of the day, the only true posession one has got is his/her life experience, so thank you for reminding me of this fact graham, in reference to your comment about 'cost'.

    My situation:

    I am in full time employment here in london, my girlfriend is a qualified nurse in PH, currently studying for her grade 7 (minimum) in the IELTS exam in order to potentially secure a job as a nurse here in the UK.

    we are looking at jan/feb 2014 as the earliest dates for us to be together.

    In the meantime, I plan on going out to her every 6 months, I am heading out to see her on 17. april for 2 weeks. cant wait

  9. #39
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    How much has it 'cost' me (had I stayed single) ?

    About 300 grand.

    Life is for living. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, etc.

    Well me , half my pension at the time of my divorce for a start , what else, i cant remember WHY, because that was yesterday, i am living for today and the future,

  10. #40
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Well here's my take on LDRs...for what it's worth.

    If a man is motivated enough and genuinely puts his relationship with his chosen lady before all else, then he can and will move mountains to 'make it happen'.

    Then there are the 'daydreamers' (on both sides).

    If either or both partners are not prepared to be flexible, and willing to make certain sacrifices, then I'm afraid the relationship is likely to fail.

    A LDR is different, and things can't be expected to work like clockwork, according to some perfect plan. Usually a real EFFORT has to be made, and reality faced.

    Over the past 24 years I have lost track of how many times I've bought and sold houses, put my possessions into store, changed my job, moved countries, come home with nowhere to stay except some cheap hostel or a friend's spare room...all in the interests of maintaining a LDR or a marriage.

    Many many good times and a few bad, but never a dull moment. Living life, taking a few risks.

    LDRs are not for 'normal' people. They are for couples who are genuinely in love, and who are prepared to go the extra mile to be together.

    Daydreamers...forget it, and move along before someone gets hurt.
    My sentiments exactly, I like a guy who doesn't mince his words, well put Graham a well deserved rep...

  11. #41
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    Thanks !

    Sometimes I wish I'd take my own advice.

  12. #42
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Also glad you found happiness, what a cracking girl...

  13. #43
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    Thanks again...yes she's a lovely lady, and I'm a lucky guy.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddiek View Post
    i must say iv enjoyed reading some posts on this thread.

    I agree 100% with graham on all of his points, especially that relating to the idea of LDR requiring a lot of effort, and the need for both parties willing to compromise in order to finally be together.

    From my experience, LDR is much more feasible in today's world, where smartphones, and good mobile data network coverage can be had both in the UK and in the Philippines.

    At the end of the day, the only true posession one has got is his/her life experience, so thank you for reminding me of this fact graham, in reference to your comment about 'cost'.

    My situation:

    I am in full time employment here in london, my girlfriend is a qualified nurse in PH, currently studying for her grade 7 (minimum) in the IELTS exam in order to potentially secure a job as a nurse here in the UK.

    we are looking at jan/feb 2014 as the earliest dates for us to be together.

    In the meantime, I plan on going out to her every 6 months, I am heading out to see her on 17. april for 2 weeks. cant wait
    Good for the both of you Good to see a lot of sense and sensibility applied here..just goes to show use men are not all one track minded

  15. #45
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    My wife and I have definitely done our fair share of time apart because of my job. I have been in Singapore for the last two months whilst my wife is at home in Muscat, although I have just nipped back for 48 hours as my son was ill but currently in Colombo Airport Lounge on the way back to work.

    It takes commitment and communication to handle being away, and gets harder (not easier) over time, so I try to spend as little time away as possible now.

    Viber, whatsapp, skype, email etc all make life much more tolerable. Occasionally for various reasons I have to go on a communication blackout for short periods and that really is more difficult then you would think

    If you have found the right person, you will overcome all obstacles together.

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