Well here's my take on LDRs...for what it's worth.
If a man is motivated enough and genuinely puts his relationship with his chosen lady before all else, then he can and will move mountains to 'make it happen'.
Then there are the 'daydreamers' (on both sides).
If either or both partners are not prepared to be flexible, and willing to make certain sacrifices, then I'm afraid the relationship is likely to fail.
A LDR is different, and things can't be expected to work like clockwork, according to some perfect plan. Usually a real EFFORT has to be made, and reality faced.
Over the past 24 years I have lost track of how many times I've bought and sold houses, put my possessions into store, changed my job, moved countries, come home with nowhere to stay except some cheap hostel or a friend's spare room...all in the interests of maintaining a LDR or a marriage.
Many many good times and a few bad, but never a dull moment. Living life, taking a few risks.
LDRs are not for 'normal' people. They are for couples who are genuinely in love, and who are prepared to go the extra mile to be together.
Daydreamers...forget it, and move along before someone gets hurt.