What documents do I need to get married in the Philippines? I'm a divorced UK national, living in the Uk.
Then providing I have the correct documents, how long do i need to wait before i can go ahead and marry?
What documents do I need to get married in the Philippines? I'm a divorced UK national, living in the Uk.
Then providing I have the correct documents, how long do i need to wait before i can go ahead and marry?
Do a lot of reading here all the answers you are looking for have been asked before.
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
Take a look here as a first step.
Here's some general information about Getting married abroad
Generally, if you can get all your arrangements lined up with your paperwork etc, and things go fairly smooth along the way you should have no problems getting married within a 20-30 day timeframe.
There'll be some folk may want to convince you that you can achieve it in only 14 days, and in truth I've known a couple of people who have achieved that.
It's a possibility if you are very lucky, the organisation is real slick and you engage the help of a good professional wedding planner.
Probably even more folk will tell you that 21 days is easy. Well I think on balance that's a reasonable time without major problems, but not much time left for honeymoon, that's why I suggested 20-30 days. I do realise that getting that amount holiday leave from your employer may be an issue.
In connection with the marriage I suggest you always check the latest information for paperwork needed etc but in principle to apply for the Marriage License you should consider having the following:-
Your birth certificate
Your passport
Your C.N.I.
Your NSO CENOMAR (not a legal requirement but many authorities are requesting - check with yours)
Your Divorce decree asbsolute (if applicable)
Certificate of 'Pre-Marriage Seminar' (if needed, please check well beforehand)
Her N.S.O. birth certificate (This should be fresh from NSO on latest type of security paper. Check)
Her Passport (or other appropriate ID)
Her Barangay clearance (if needed, please check well beforehand)
Her community tax certificate (often called Cedula)
Her postal I.D. Address
Her cenomar
Her Parents signed advice form (if under 25 years age)
Her Parents I.D.
Quite a few folks get into a long waiting time for the marriage certificate needed for a visa application. Take a look at this thread for information on fastracking the marriage certificate - Advance Endorsement Birth ,Marriage and Death Certificate
Do some research then ask any specific questions your need clarification on.
Thanks for the help guys, I am on a strict 21 day vacation May 6th in Manila, leaving the philipines on 26th, so i have to get this right. My next holiday leave wont be until 2015, as like most of you, i need to work.
2 points, i understand i need my UK CNI as well as a Manila issued CNI. Also i read somewhere on a UK gov website, i need to have the notice of marriage posted for i think it said 21 days, surely this isnr correct, bcuz if it is Im up the creek without a paddle.
Terpe, your first link isnt working mate.
Hiya Harry,
Notice of marriage is made a the registry office in the UK and can be done at least a month or more before you leave for the Philippines.(ie: you then have your 21 days notice)
This is normal practice so you can sort that out no worries.
Any further questions I am sure you will find your answers here, good luck buddy...![]()
Yes, you'll need to set up a slick organisation.
Where do you plan to get married?
Best approach is to work back from your wedding date and plan everything carefully.
The best advise to be sure it goes to plan is making sure you have all the needed paperwork. This will minimise potential delays.
No choice about the 10 day waiting period for marriage licence so do make sure that 10 day ends on an official working day.
You can save some time by ordering CENOMAR's and any other needed stuff from NSA ahead on time time and ordered online here
Don't forget you can also authorise your Fiancee to submit the CNI exchange application and also to collect the local (Philippine) CNI at the Embassy on your behalf.That can also save some time. Be aware that Embassy appointments have a long lead time (2 months) so do book an appoinment asap as time is already getting tight.
Thanks guys, im now aware what i need with regards CNI UK and CNI local (Manila). However chatting to my fiancee, she tells me we need to attend something called a Precana Seminar for 2 weeks, obviously I'm worried about this bcuz of our tight schedule. Wedding day we have decided will be on 20th May.
That's our target day, if we can arrange all the paperwork we need beforehand, it doesn't help because my fiancee works in Taiwan, so she is having to rely on Mama, to ask all the questions in Davao her home city.
Is this Precana Seminar a mandatory thing, can i avoid having to attend this.
I stand to be corrected Harry, but isn't that Pre Cana seminar only applicable for Catholic Church weddings ??
For a civil wedding you may be asked to provide a certificate of attendance on Pre-Marital Counseling and Family Planning from the city hall.
This is usually required for those aged between 18 and 25 .....but you know Philippines..
Shouldn't take more than a few hours.
She is telling me, this pre cana thing is the same for a Civil wedding, i really need to get this clarified, bcuz if this is true, then i dont think the wedding can go ahead, Time will just allow me, but my fiancee only has 10 days leave in total..
Surely you can wangle an extra week off work for such an important life event ?
The seminar is just a boring hour or two in Manila, where the girls are given a lecture on the dangers of marrying foreign devils, plus more importantly, how to send money home.
Graham, my fiancees mom, has told her its 2 weeks (10 working Days) for this Pre Cana. surely Not ? thats like going back to school.
Nooo, she's mixing it up with some sort of waiting or deadline date.
Someone who's attended the seminar recently will be able to explain better...or look it up on the Phils DFA or Bureau of Immigration sites. It's all online somewhere. Google is your friend.
I think you'll find your information is not correct.
For civil wedding the usual mandatory age for the needed seminars is between 18 and 25 but it can be demanded outside of this general guideline.
There are 2 seminars and these are arranged by The Department of Social Welfare and Development which is most usually located within the local Municipal Hall or City Hall
If you are required to attend then you must do so.
The first one is "Family Planning" and is essentially sex education. This will take max 2 hours. Period
At the end of the session you'll be given a Certificate of Attendance.
Next on the list is "Family counselling". This will include all aspects of relationships/communication and mutual respect support etc
At the end of the session you'll be given a Certificate of Attendance.
Please have your Mother-in-law to be check with the local Municipal Hall or City Hall to confirm:-
1. Whether or not you'll be required to attend
2. That if required to attend the sessions are just as I've outlined.
BTW if your Fiancee has only 10 days leave how could she manage to register for Marriage Licence application and wait the absolute 10 days minimumcompulsary period then get married ??
No offence intended...just asking.
Looks about impossible.
Better research a Hong Kong wedding methinks...a lot less red tape and paperwork.....do some research on that. All done with 10 days for sure.
Just to add that those (unfortunate) folks required to attend the Marriage Seminar usually get the whole lot done within one day (having break for lunch) for both certificates (some do a combined)
You won't really know much about what's going on as it's not conducted in English.
I remember sitting at the back scowling and tut tutting for an hour...likewise the ex.![]()
... never heard of *it,
but ...
...... sounds like a "Life Sentence"!
How can you be expected to fit all this into your schedule? Timewise
...... "y'canna"!
... not when you're BOTH otherwise engaged
- which you ARE - literally AND matrimonially!
Hello all! I need some enlightenment based on your experiences as I'm too eager to know. I've been so busy since I arrived home (Manila) from UK and couldn't find time to visit the City Hall. We have decided to get married after I flew 10 times in the UK in 11 months and he visited me in Egypt (where I work) for 6 times, not to mention that he flew to Philippines when I was there twice.
Does the 10 consecutive days of waiting period includes the date of filing the license? My fiancee will be arriving on the 15th of March (a Saturday) and we booked the appointment for UK Embassy to get a consular CNI 17th of March. Does that mean that we'll get the license on 27th? or 28th? We will both be flying back to UK on the 29th of March hoping to be coming back and be greeted by the glorious spring!
I know it will be really tight as we're leaving too soon. We really didn't plan on getting married this March but a little later this year. I guess my love potion worked on so well with him last time!
Another q: Does his birth certificate needs to be new? Like for example here in the Philippines, we're required to acquire an NSO birth certificate. Does he need to get a new one from his local registrar?
Thanks so much! I'm really glad that this forum is back!
This wife.. has an amazing husband.
He doesn't need a new birth certificate. Mine was 41 years old...even older now.
The authorities in this country are more trusting of documents.![]()
Interesting thread.
I just wondered if the embassy in Manila was the only place a UK CNI can be exchanged for a Phillipine one.
Is there an embassy in Cebu that you can do this ?
It used to be possible until the Hon Consul retired. I don't believe she was ever replaced and sadly, I don't believe the position will be continued.
So Manila is the only place to exchange the CNI.....however your fiancee can be your representative and collect the Philippine CNI on your behalf. Maybe she can work a schedule to cover a couple of task at the same time in Manila (TB screeening maybe?)
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