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Thread: Irish citizen living in UK, looking to marry my ph girlfriend

  1. #1
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Irish citizen living in UK, looking to marry my ph girlfriend

    hey gang.

    as above, this is my situation.

    we have not decided to get married just yet, my girlfriend might be able to come across on her own accord, but if she can't, we are ready for marriage and have already discussed this.

    Our situation is a little different to most of you guys out there: I am an Irish citizen, living in the UK since jan 2012.

    I am just wondering if this means I must follow a totally different list of instructions (in terms of paperworks & clearance forms) compared to most of the guys on here? ( I assume most of you are UK citizens).

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i am not sure but, you are Irish and so you are more European then i am so you have more rights then me too, so if you bring your girl to Ireland you will be better of then trying to bring her here, i think, or something like that

  3. #3
    Respected Member mike1's Avatar
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    Like yourself I am Irish living in uk,you can apply using the EEA route,get married- six month marriage visa or get married in Philippines,your wife then applies for residence(5yrs)after which she applies for permanent residence same as indefinite leave to remain,best of all the applications are free

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike1 View Post
    Like yourself I am Irish living in uk,you can apply using the EEA route,get married- six month marriage visa or get married in Philippines,your wife then applies for residence(5yrs)after which she applies for permanent residence same as indefinite leave to remain,BEST OF ALL THE APPLICATIONS ARE FREE
    Amazing the last bit, Welcome to the land of plenty for everyone else

  5. #5
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    thanks for info lads.

    it's crazy that it's free, there appears to 2 decks on the titanic, as far as eu citizens & uk citizen, madness.

    thanks for the info..ill have to chat some more to you mike, sounds like we have similiar cases.

    have a great sunday you guys.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddiek View Post
    hey gang.

    as above, this is my situation.

    we have not decided to get married just yet, my girlfriend might be able to come across on her own accord, but if she can't, we are ready for marriage and have already discussed this.

    Our situation is a little different to most of you guys out there: I am an Irish citizen, living in the UK since jan 2012.

    I am just wondering if this means I must follow a totally different list of instructions (in terms of paperworks & clearance forms) compared to most of the guys on here? ( I assume most of you are UK citizens).

    Thanks in advance,
    If you are an Irish Citizen, but not also British Citizen then yes, your situation is much more than a little different.

    Based soley on what you've said you'll be able to have your wife join you here in UK under EU Freedom of movement regulations.
    Generally, there is no need for any compliance with UK immigration rules.Period.
    No income threshold, no English Language Test, no need to have money, to have suitable accommodation, to have been married for more than a day or to pay any application fee for an EEA family permit for UK entry.

    As a start check the UKBA webpage here

    Then ask any specific questions

  7. #7
    Trusted Member
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    You're a lucky guy Eddie.

    Only wish I'd taken up my Irish citizenship (by descent) in time.

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