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Thread: Latest feedback From The Manila Embassy

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  1. #1
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    Well, today was the day for the big settlement visa interview for the mum in law. She was told to be there for interview at 13:30, so I made sure she followed British time, not Filipino time, and she actually arrived an hour early.

    She had two interviews, with the same British guy, who she reckons was very pleasant and polite. She was offered an interpreter several times, but refused. I have no real details yet of the questions she was asked, but one was whether somebody would be flying over to collect her. Begrudgingly that will be me, Have to go spend a week or so in the PI. Oh gosh. How terrible. How tragic. :P

    Anyway, at some stage of the afternoon there was some commotion and doors were locked, security ran in, voices were raised. The chika later was that some Filipina guy being interviewed had lost his rag and got violent.

    Anyway, after the second inteview the polite British guy smiled and welcomed her to the UK. So, she got the visa!! Stamped in her passport already.

    Her application was collected about 10th October, and she was contacted a week later telling her she needed an interview. She recieved her visa today, 24th Nov, after the interview. So, I make that to be little more than six weeks from start to finish. Seems things have improved somewhat from the six month waiting list for interviews that was the norm when my wife applied in 2002.

    Right, now I need a cheapie flight to Manila in early January. Got to get her here and out in the garden, working the land before the snow has cleared

  2. #2
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    Blimey :unsure: Was she wearing a mini skirt? :o

    Seems strange for something to go normal out have the embassy drug tested just in case

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  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Originally posted by admin@Nov 25 2005, 10:04 AM
    Blimey :unsure: Was she wearing a mini skirt? :o

    Seems strange for something to go normal out have the embassy drug tested just in case
    Well, I just heard she actually got told she couldn't have it, as she is not yet 65, but after bursting into tears they guy musta softened up and he asked her to wait outside for a while.

    Second interview he asked all the same questions again, but finally gave her the visa.

    According to the aunt, who was waiting downstairs and quizzing everybody as they left, only four people actually got their visas that day. Most everybody was kicked back!

    Strange days are these :o

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