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Thread: Child Settlement Visa... please help...

  1. #1
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    Child Settlement Visa... please help...

    Hi. I don't know where to start as I am very lost and frustrated. I never expected it to be so hard and complicated.

    Here are the points:

    - my husband is British by descent

    - I came in the UK on Aug. 2012 via spouse visa under the old rules, and I will be applying for my ILR soon

    - we have a 3-year old son who is in Manila, and he didn't come with me because the accommodation and my husband's salary weren't adequate for the both of us to live on then, so, we thought it was best that we will leave him for a while, while my husband and I will both work first to prepare for his coming.


    - We were under the impression that we could get our son here by registering him as a British citizen via form MN1, but it was just yesterday that I found out that he isn't qualified for that.

    And so,

    1. Is it correct that the only way he can come here is by applying for a child settlement visa?

    2. Do we have to wait for my ILR to be released before applying him one?

    3. How much salary should my husband and I both have to meet the financial requirement for him?

    Thank you for your time. I am really desperate, and I couldn't stop crying since yesterday. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    where was your husband parents born ?
    when did your husband move to the uk?

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    His dad's british, was born here in the UK, and his mom's from the philippines. He first came in the UK in 2008.

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    his dad's british, born here. His mom's from the philippines. They had both passed away already. He came here in 2008.

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    where was your husband parents born ?
    when did your husband move to the uk?
    His dad was born here and his mom's from the Philippines. They're both gone now, though... He first arrived in the UK in April 2008.

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