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Thread: Biological son is just my brother in legal paper...

  1. #1
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Question Biological son is just my brother in legal paper...

    Hello everyone, it's been a long while since I posted a thread in here. I have forgotten my password and just remembered it today due to desperation. Hahaha
    Anyway, I want to ask for some advice from you guys if you would know anything about my problem.
    I have a 7 year old son back home in the Philippines and I'd like to get him...the thing is, he's my brother in legal papers. My parents decided to put him in their name for some purposeful reasons when I had him and now it's a problem for me to get him. What am I supposed to do? Is adoption an option? Me and my husband will adopt him as our own? Or get him as my dependent? though?
    I would really appreciate your help and advice regarding this matter guys.
    Thanks :-)

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    maybe you should seek advice from a Philippine lawyer, I'm not sure anyone is qualified to give you advice and nor should you take it because of any consequences which might arise

    but wait and see if anyone else has an opinion

  3. #3
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    maybe you should seek advice from a Philippine lawyer, I'm not sure anyone is qualified to give you advice and nor should you take it because of any consequences which might arise

    but wait and see if anyone else has an opinion
    Thanks for that joeblog.
    We're going home on April, so we will definitely ask for an advice from a Philippine lawyer.

  4. #4
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    One of my wifes former work mates (she is unmarried & now has a Brit passport) had the same situation but after 3 or 4 years trying now has just got her 12 year old son over here. I think she came clean with the immigration people and said he was her son not brother.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the problem is, when you sign an application form for a visa your stating the information is true and if you knowingly lie, and i think they might have even removed that now, or you with hold important information then you could be committing an offence, not just concerning immigration law but also fraud etc..

    best to seek legal advice

  6. #6
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    Get it sorted out legally in the Phils first, then you can truthfully complete any British forms with the correct supporting documentation.

    Simply point out to the Phils authorities that for some (unknown ) reason the birth details were wrongly filed, and you would now like to correct the error and apply for a new birth certificate.

    Attempt to do this first without (expensive) legal assistance, and should that present problems, then seek legal advice.

    Ultimately a DNA test will prove your relationship, if necessary.

  7. #7
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Get it sorted out legally in the Phils first, then you can truthfully complete any British forms with the correct supporting documentation.

    Simply point out to the Phils authorities that for some (unknown ) reason the birth details were wrongly filed, and you would now like to correct the error and apply for a new birth certificate.

    Attempt to do this first without (expensive) legal assistance, and should that present problems, then seek legal advice.

    Ultimately a DNA test will prove your relationship, if necessary.
    I shall do that graham. Thank you so much.

  8. #8
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    Adoption is not a possible route.
    The Philippines is not signatory to the Hague Convention and so any adoption is not recognised by the UK.

    Not unless under immigration rules for de facto adoption. Means both parents living in the Philippines with the child for minimum 18 months.

    As already said the only way forward is to legally secure documentation correction.

  9. #9
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aprilmaejon View Post
    Hello everyone, it's been a long while since I posted a thread in here. I have forgotten my password and just remembered it today due to desperation. Hahaha
    Anyway, I want to ask for some advice from you guys if you would know anything about my problem.
    I have a 7 year old son back home in the Philippines and I'd like to get him...the thing is, he's my brother in legal papers. My parents decided to put him in their name for some purposeful reasons when I had him and now it's a problem for me to get him. What am I supposed to do? Is adoption an option? Me and my husband will adopt him as our own?
    Thanks :-)
    In your case , Adoption of a ''relative'' child is not possible as you need to prove the four degrees of consanguinity.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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