...To continue:

After having spent a most pleasant time in Pangasinan it was time to shoot over to Angeles City, where I'd arranged to see a friend do his live Rock and Roll act at his club.

Back onto the Victory Liner for the ride back to Dau, and then a quick trike ride to the Clarkton Hotel in Angeles, where I'd already booked a room
by phone.

Angeles is a place I know really well, as I've been living in and visiting the place since 1990.
With an expat population nudging 30,000 and of course the huge 'entertainment' district, it's hardly a sleepy little place.

However, even for someone who is not there to patronise the girlie bars, there is plenty to do and see.

I hadn't styed at the Clarkton before, but it is long-established, German-run, and has an excellent reputation. We were not disappointed...especially at the price of p1600 a night. Positively luxurious, and with its own swimming pool and attached nightclub.

Naturally, Merly first took pictures of the bed.

First...best view of Gra:

Here's the Clarkton pics...


Blimey, is that all ?

Anyway, we ate mainly at a lovely restaurant called Edelweiss. I have known the Austrian owner for many years. Delicious food ! (and cheap).
Perusing the breakfast menu, on the patio out front....