In principle it's both.
We had family living in the free.
Seems maintenance free too.
It's like buying a second hand car, you never really understand whats wrong until you come come to clean it and service it.
Yes we've had some some major rennovations and rebuild etc but the electrics were in such a state that we decided to start from scratch. Electrical fires are so common here.
Also the plumbing needs attention. Just for example, not a single one of the 4 CR's had a working shower or flushing toilet. Why ......................?
We're living here. We redesigned almost everything, but we didn't expect the basics could be so so wrong.
Most folks here do not spend money on the house unless it's emergency.
Here's a typical example of money management:-
A neighbour her has a business selling laundry Fabric Conditioner.
We ordered some.
She told us to on the last day of the month. We said it's OK we'll pay now.
NO she said, if I have the money I'll only spend it now and then I wont be able to pay my supplier.
To be honest, we should have visited our house here much more often than we did, but we trusted the family members living here. BIG MISTAKE.
On the positive side, we'll have a living space we like and with safe and efficient utilities.
The important message is that money can just fly away here if you're not prepared.
Like us ..........