I did a transfer with pnb Europe last Tuesday, after entering details, with pnb for the transfer, the 3d secure normaly pops up,

well it didn't it failed to load so I never got to enter my security numbers,

the money has been taken from my uk bank and is now with pnb Europe, but hasn't been forwarded to my beneficiary,

it says, failure accured before 3d autherization ,

I double checked my uk bank online to confirm that it has been taken,

I emailed pnb Europe, automated reply saying they will get back to me within 24 to 48 hours, as yet no reply,

I have no landline and to phone them pnb Europe or my bank, is going to be a pain and costly using pay as u go mobile load,

would I be right to my way of thinking that my uk bank should not have let my money go to pnb Europe without that 3d secure authorization

anyway any advice on how I should go about this,

should pnb return it back to my bank ?

should my bank be the responsible party to recover or authorize the 3d secure part so the transfer can be completed