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Thread: ''Why do so many men report bad Filipina dating/marrying experiences?''

  1. #121
    Respected Member Espie's Avatar
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    I totally respect the Writer's point of view. But coming from a filipina myself, I can't stand reading the whole thing.

    Whoever wrote this is absolutely a complete Moron!

    I have not read anything nice, but rather insulting.

    Filipinas are generally nice, we make good housewives and we take care of our men. I am happily married to an Englishman who means the world to me and accepts me for " everything"

    I guess, if you want to have a successful marriage, take time to know both. Use your heart but don't forget to take your brain with you!

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Espie View Post
    I totally respect the Writer's point of view, But Coming from a filipina myself, I can't stand reading the whole thing.
    Whoever wrote this is absolutely a complete Moron!
    You shouldn't of felt obliged to read it You respect the writer's point of view but, he's a complete moron...Total respect, I see

    Quote Originally Posted by Espie View Post
    I have not read anything nice, but rather insulting.

    Filipinas are generally nice, we make good housewives and we take care of our men. I am happily married to a Englishman who means the world to me and accepts me for " everything"
    We can only talk for ourselves. The fact is, these things do happen. I can vouch for it. You will find at the start of his outburst he wasnt tarring all Filipina with the same brush

    Quote Originally Posted by Espie View Post
    I guess, if you want to have a successful marriage, take time to know both. Use your heart but don't forget to take your brain with you!

  3. #123
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    There are good and bad in all societies. As Espie has said..."Use your heart but don't forget to take your brain with you!".

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Wow that was an interesting read some interesting points.
    I think some people don't understand the closeness of the Filipino family. We marry these lovely ladies and expect them to give up their life and family and travel half way across the world to be with us. Surely it's not unreasonable for them to want to help their family or "share their blessings" as my wife says.
    I have a 93yo mother who I would do anything for. Fortunately she doesn't need money so I am able to give her something far more valuable to her, my time. If she needed money I would give it as I would to any of my family if they were in desperate need. My wife actually looks forward to the time we spend with my mum and to see her doing a few chores or massaging my mums legs is to understand that my wife considers she married into our family. You can see in my mums face the delight she gets whenever we visit.
    Which brings us to the lovely Filipino family that I married into. Sadly we are unable to give them as much of our time as we would like but fortunately we are able to help in other ways. My wife works hard and earns a good wage and I am fortunate that as both my girls are now working I have more disposable income than I've had for a long time. So we send a monthly allowance which includes the cost of schooling 2 boys within the house and they also understand that money is no object in the event of a medical emergency. We also have a few people that we help out occasionally but I must say this is more my doing than my wifes.
    Marriage is about partnership it's about our wives accepting our values and in turn we have to accept theirs and if we can't do that then there are bound to be problems.
    I'm not a religious person in any way but I always feel good about helping others out and besides you may as well spend it because you cant take it with you
    Nothing wrong with any of that Marco I accepted my wives (correct spelling) values wholeheartedly. The probs only started when the wiz was being extracted . You have obviously married into a good family

  5. #125
    Respected Member Espie's Avatar
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    I know I'm not obliged to read it, but everyone is entitled to their own point of view hence, I find this offensive and utter rubbish! I can only tell that his previous relationship with a "filipina" didn't work and I feel sorry for him. BUT it is not fair to be naming filipinas as such and such! Graham you're right, there are good and bad in all societies. No country is perfect, there will always be flaws. I just hope people would be more sensitive and won't use wrong impressions based on experience.

  6. #126
    Respected Member Espie's Avatar
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    Gwapito, sorry for having a terrible experience. I wish you the best in the future. I can guarantee not all "filipinas" are like that

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Espie View Post
    Gwapito, sorry for having a terrible experience. I wish you the best in the future. I can guarantee not all "filipinas" are like that
    Thanks Espie
    I know they're not all bad. .My brother in law's brother married a Filipina in 86. Still madly in love.
    I've not given up hope

    I've given u a rep for your kindness

  8. #128
    Respected Member Espie's Avatar
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    Much appreciated gwapito!

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