This is interesting reading, especially as I now have had 2.5yrs in a relationship with a Pinay.
Its been a pretty difficult time, often difficult times over trivia things.
Sometimes, I have found myself describing my experiences as similar to "dating an immature teenage girl", no offence meant to the filipinas.
As a reasonably confident and secure chap, with a very stable life, perhaps what I haven't always realised or understood that things are so different for her. Unsure about her future, unsure if I will ever commit. These two things, combined with a very emotional nature, have been at the centre of many things being blown out of all proportion.
But understanding has to be both ways. She says I don't understand her ( her stress, how it affects her etc)...perhaps, but I also remind her that its her misunderstanding me that plays an equal part in the problems. I once stopped texting for an afternoon once, just simply getting on with my life, and she became overcome with sense of abandonment and thought I had forgotten all about her. My mistake? I normally texted a lot with her, then suddenly that afternoon I didn't. She jumped to all silly conclusion and in her mind she was totally justified.
Many many silly times like that, made me cautious and fear that the future would be difficult.
Now, she's been asking for me to make a commitment, decide about future, for eight months ( well from early days infact). I totally understand after this time with her.
I havent yet got rid of all my reservations, although I have grown more confident in recent weeks that I could commit, but not quite there.
I think my problem, is if I wana get married, I want to make that decision, when not under pressure. And unfortunately with her situation here, that pressure is always there.