Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
Well said ,
I too found this to be a sad write up from some person or persons who maybe have been hurt or not, but like i have said before do not tar everyone with the same brush, and if you do why then still look for the person you think will abuse your saving and your life , but then again it takes all sorts to make the world go round
No one's tarring anyone with the same brush Steve. The author isn't, neither am I.

All what is being pointed out is what can and does happen. There's no data on this but one would hope, happens very rarely.

The filipino dating sites don't give a favourable indication. There's a lot of chaff the work through to get to a diamond.

If I thought they were all the same I'm sure I wouldn't be stupid enough to go looking for some more of the same action.

Good response Jen Makes a change from the unintelligible hysterical variety . I can't say I totally agree. Anyway it's worth a rep :-)