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    Harry & William get stuck in

    UK floods: Princes William and Harry shift sandbags

    Princes William and Harry have joined troops trying to protect homes from storms sweeping southern Britain.

    The brothers were filmed by The Guardian shifting sandbags in Datchet, Berkshire.

    A spokesman from Kensington Palace said: "They wanted to show their support for the flood victims and have joined the armed forces relief effort."

    Now doubt the Guardian will be checking that Kensington Palace did a full risk assessment

    Photo opportunity for the Wally with the Wellies

  2. #2
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    Yes how wonderful it must be to be a member of a family that for centuries have been parasites upon the flesh of the British working classes.

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentinent View Post
    Yes how wonderful it must be to be a member of a family that for centuries have been parasites upon the flesh of the British working classes.
    Nothing like being a patriot!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Nothing like being a patriot!
    And do not confuse not wanting the royal family with patriotism. I care deeply about this country and the many who live a miserable life because of the inequality created and perpetuated by anachronistic institutions that believe in a despicable class system.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    BIG well done, William and Harry ... you're a credit to our nation!

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    At least the young Royals have done something physical to help the peasants, unlike all of the muppet politicians.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Our royal family is our heritage, our history and well respected throughout the world.

    Yes it costs lot of money but also brings in millions in tourism a year. I will happily contribute my 60p a year to have a royal family that throughout centuries has United the people, led us into battle and made most of us proud to be British.

    If it was gone no one would be better off you're kidding yourself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Our royal family is our heritage, our history and well respected throughout the world.

    Yes it costs lot of money but also brings in millions in tourism a year. I will happily contribute my 60p a year to have a royal family that through centuries has United the people, lead us into battle and made most of us proud to be British.

    If it was gone no one would be better off your kidding yourself.
    Royalist claptrap. Let's have a Republic and share the vast fortunes squandered on the Royal parasites amongst the poor and needy. The royals represent the very hub of our out of date class system. There are so many people in our country living below the poverty line and royalist junkies just spout errant nonsense.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentinent View Post
    Royalist claptrap. Let's have a Republic and share the vast fortunes squandered on the Royal parasites amongst the poor and needy. The royals represent the very hub of our out of date class system. There are so many people in our country living below the poverty line and royalist junkies just spout errant nonsense.
    There are no people living below the poverty line in the UK our wealth and generosity knows no bounds.

    We are able to import the poverty stricken, criminals and oppressed from abroad, fund, house and care for them :-

    'Your benefits system is crazy. It's like finding a sackful of cash left on the road': How shocking admission by Rudi and his huge Romanian family debunks Eurocrat's claims that 'benefit tourism is a myth'

    • Rudi Ion's huge family could consist of up to 100 children, with 25 cousins
    • His family moved to a 3-bedroomed house in 'shabby' Nottingham suburb
    • Laszlo Andor, announced to UK ministers: ‘Benefits tourism is a myth.’

    Read more:

  10. #10
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentinent View Post
    Royalist claptrap. Let's have a Republic and share the vast fortunes squandered on the Royal parasites amongst the poor and needy. The royals represent the very hub of our out of date class system. There are so many people in our country living below the poverty line and royalist junkies just spout errant nonsense.
    What ya gonna do with your 60p a year, give the down and out half a can of special brew

    Might as well rip down the crumbling castles, museums, lets get rid of all our British heritage shall we, you're living in cloud cuckoo land if you think anyone would be better off.

    Hope you're prepared to subsidise the tourist industry with your 60p

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    What ya gonna do with your 60p a year, give the down and out half a can of special brew

    The million dollar question Les - I look forward to hearing Sentinents spending plans

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    The million dollar question Les - I look forward to hearing Sentinents spending plans
    I have a different view from you. Just build a bridge and get over yourself.

    It is nonsense to say that no one in this country is living below the poverty line. You can cut and paste as much propaganda as you wish. But the monarchy is an anachronism. It belongs to the distant past. As does feudalism and imprisonment in the Tower.

    So just keep supporting this outdated concept if you wish. Commonwealth countries are queuing up to oust the monarchy. Do they know something that you have failed to cotton onto?

  13. #13
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    According to Buckingham Palace, sustaining the royal family costs Britons 53 pence, or about 81 cents, per person, per year. The total came to about 33.3 million pounds (about $51.1 million) for 2012-2013, according to the Palace, up from 32.4 million pounds the previous year.

    However, the awesomely titled Sir Alan Reid, Keeper of the Privy Purse, noted that figure is actually down by 24 percent from 2008-2009, for what it's worth.

    But some British republicans -- those who want to abolish the monarchy -- say the actual cost is much higher, once you factor in things like security detail and the cost of preparing for royal visits. Their figure is about 200 million pounds, or $307 million.

    The group Republic broke it down to include things like 3.9 million pounds for travel, half a million pounds for Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles, and some 400,000 pounds for public relations.

    The royal couple's bundle of joy will drive up that cost, of course, as babies tend to do. The price of delivery at the duchess's birthing suite in St. Mary's hospital reportedly costs 10,000 pounds, or about $15,300. "Of course, that doesn't include the reported pre-delivery yoga classes at Kensington Palace or visits to private birthing coaches," the Christian Science Monitor noted.

    But there's an upside to shelling out for a tradition that some think should have gone the way of the penny-farthing or the Puffing Billy.

    The British tourism agency has reported that the royal family generates close to 500 million pounds, or about $767 million, every year in tourism revenue, drawing visitors to historic royal sites like the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, and Buckingham Palace. The country's tourism agency says that of the 30 million foreign visitors who came to Britain in 2010, 5.8 million visited a castle .

    Tourism is the third-biggest industry in the U.K., the tourism board claims, and supports about 2.6 million jobs -- or about one in 12.

    Baby Cambridge is set to boost consumer spending even more, according to Britain's Center for Retail Research, to the tune of $383 million. (Commemorative tea cups or iPhone covers, anyone?) The chief U.K. economist at the consulting firm IHS Global Insight also predicts that the birth would have an "overwhelmingly positive" economic impact.

    What's more, a British firm called Brand Finance, which evaluates "intangible assets," said the royal wedding alone boosted London's economy by 107 million pounds ($165 million) through "accommodation, travel, and nightlife," even while factoring in the economic drag of time off work.

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    When you visit London, there are thousands more that visit Buckingham Palace on a daily basis, than No.10. So maybe we should get rid of the one that doesn't bring in the tourists
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Countries also want to join the Commonwealth
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    I believe the Americans alone would want the Royal Family themselves! I even wished the Royal Family belongs to the Philippines!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  17. #17
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I am a proud Scot ... but take as much - if not more - pride, in the fact that I'm first and foremost, British.

    I cannot, in all honesty, comprehend why anyone in their right mind would seek to dump our ancient Royal Heritage in favour of a corrupt Republican dictatorship - "Cromwellian" or otherwise - hence one of several reasons I'll be be amongst the majority of my fellow countrymen voting against Scottish Independence at the forthcoming Referendum.

  18. #18
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I am a proud Scot ... but take as much - if not more - pride, in the fact that I'm first and foremost, British.

    I cannot, in all honesty, comprehend why anyone in their right mind would seek to dump our ancient Royal Heritage in favour of a corrupt Republican dictatorship - "Cromwellian or otherwise - hence one of several reasons I'll be be amongst the majority of my fellow countrymen voting against Scottish Independence at the forthcoming Referendum.
    Well said Arthur, I'm doing my own little survey with Scottish customers, having asked about 30, results so far are 29 to stay in uk and one bigotted anti english woman against.

    Salmond is a pratt, only in it to make history for himself, i bet he has got all night/day showings of Braveheart planned on the day before the scots vote.

  19. #19
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    No I am in the minority that is writing about this topic on this forum. However you have just elevated this discussion to a new level. "Off with your head" is a comment that only a bigot would utter.

    And to say that the Americans would want the monarchy is farcical. The Americans have too much sense to import an institution that belongs in the Dark Ages.

    Anyhow you are all entitled to your views. I believe that as we live in a democracy. But of course les_taxi would deal with opposing views in his own inimitable, violent way.

  20. #20
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentinent View Post
    No I am in the minority that is writing about this topic on this forum. However you have just elevated this discussion to a new level. "Off with your head" is a comment that only a bigot would utter.

    And to say that the Americans would want the monarchy is farcical. The Americans have too much sense to import an institution that belongs in the Dark Ages.

    Anyhow you are all entitled to your views. I believe that as we live in a democracy. But of course les_taxi would deal with opposing views in his own inimitable, violent way.
    Yes i have chopped lots of peoples heads off, and as for people sent to tower - can't remember how many i have condemmed.

    Everything you have said is laughable and I'm sorry if you feel so strongly but 80% of the public are in favour of retaining the monarchy.

    Must get some wicker baskets ordered

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Yes i have chopped lots of peoples heads off, and as for people sent to tower - can't remember how many i have condemmed.

    Everything you have said is laughable and I'm sorry if you feel so strongly but 80% of the public are in favour of retaining the monarchy.

    Must get some wicker baskets ordered
    No it is not laughable. It is just not fished out of the Sun newspaper and regurgitated.

    Anyhow just go on believing what you wish. There are bound to be some last word freaks lurking on this forum so I will leave my unassailable argument where it is.

  22. #22
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post

    Everything you have said is laughable and I'm sorry if you feel so strongly but 80% of the public are in favour of retaining the monarchy.
    Where did that figure of 80% come from les?

  23. #23
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Where did that figure of 80% come from les?
    Fergie's book of statistics
    Keith - Administrator

  24. #24
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Stats say only 18% of UK folk want a republic
    Keith - Administrator

  25. #25
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Where did that figure of 80% come from les?
    If I may 1st line of the 4th paragraph

    Poll shows majority in favour of monarchy

    Most people are in favour of retaining the monarchy, according to a poll released today.

    But only one in three are planning to attend an event to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee, the survey for ITV1's Jonathan Dimbleby programme found.

    And the majority of the 3,800 questioned thought the position of the monarchy had weakened during the Queen's 50 years on the throne.

    In the poll by YouGov, 81% said the monarchy should be retained, but 41% of this group thought it needed to be reformed at the same time.

    Amongst the under 30s, support was also high at 74%, but 37% of that group said it should be changed and retained.

    A third (32%) said they were planning to take part in a Golden Jubilee event - which would equate to 19 million people across the country- and 10% were unsure at the time of the survey.
    Some 65% of respondents thought the monarchy's position had weakened over the last 50 years, 17% said it had improved and 16% believed it was unchanged.

    While most (62%) supported the Queen's decision to reign until her death, 17% said the Queen should abdicate in 10 years' time and 16% said she should abdicate now.

    Meanwhile over half (56%) said having a royal family was very or quite important to national identity and 44% said it was not very important or completely unimportant.

    Some 48% thought the monarchy's role in affairs of state should remain the same, 14% said it should have a bigger role, 13% a lesser role and 23% no role.

    However, 56% said the lifestyles of members of the Royal Family were too extravagant. Only 39% thought they were about right and just 1% that they were too modest.

    Similarly, 57% thought the state gave the monarchy too much money - but the older generation more generous with 47% of the over 50s saying it was too much against 66% of the under 30s.

  26. #26
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    Love them to bits. I'll never forget Princess Diana's funeral. Her poor poor boys walking behind. I admit, I shed a few tears that day. We see that family grow up.

    I'm a royalist through and through.

  27. #27
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    You are welcome to your view, no problem with that but you know people are going to disagree so live with it.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You have stated yours, I have mine.

    You say unassailable argument, I say check out the facts which you clearly haven't.

  28. #28
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    well i think the royals are great, but thats my opinion each to their own i say

  29. #29
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    have to agree with you Mark

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